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I felt your touch,It's good to be alive

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I felt your touch,
It's good to be alive.
The way you took my hand today,
Wish you would have done that a month ago.
I was begging for a glance,
While you just waved.
Trust is the thing I care for,
I held you till the oceans mould.
Why are you even smiling?
Not left anything to scream for?
Stopping me would not stop the pain,
Try to spend some nights alone.
Do you feel the pinching in your lungs?That was my heart when I saw you with her.
Talking and smiling,
Laughing and creating memories,
While all I created was a life made to be hell.
I know the look you gave me,
If it was to satisfy you,
You did the right work.
Karma works for you,
Mine works to destroy me even more.
Now I am immune to your doings,
I am not even asking anymore.
For the blue sky,
And the crying rain,
Tell me a thing.
This was at the time I back out,
Why are you not letting go?
So guess I should warn you,
Welcome to my world,
And Let the darkness talk.

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