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I wake on my own before the actual time to get up. I look around at the other people and other few people were wake too but, mostly everyone was asleep. I think about my experience with my mom and how that's the last time I'll probably see her until a long time. I also think about that today I get to experience Dr. Crane fear has today. How fun.

An hour or so passes and it's time to go breakfast. I leave the cell as does all the others. I head to the cafeteria along with every one else. I decided not to get breakfast this morning and instead just sit down by Thomas.

"Hey" I say. "Did you know the guy you stabbed is out of the infirmary" he says quickly. "Okay slow down. Repeat" I say. "Then person you stabbed is out and apparently planning on getting some sort revenge" he says a bit slower. "Uh okay" I say. "Why are you so okay with that" he asks. I shrug kinda tired.

"I saw my mom yesterday" I say to him. He turns to me surprised. "Really? Don't they only do that like once every few months" he asks. "I don't know. But I do know that I got see her" I say. "How? Who let you?" He asks. "Crane" I say simply. His eyebrows raise as he wiggles them at me. "Oh go it's not like that" I say shaking my head. I hear him mumble a sure sarcastically but, I decided to ignore it.

"So what did you talk about" he asks. "She slapped me. Then hugged me. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. And she kept insisting that I wanted to fuck my therapist" I tell him.

"Well do you? Want to fuck your therapist I mean" he says. I look at him my mouth open wide. "NO!" I tell. "Geez okay I was just trying to get some good gossip" he says. "Well don't try" I tell him. "Yeah but, if do fuck Crane tell me alright" he says jokingly. I roll my eyes as he grins at me.

Breakfast was over and I what to task two where I talked with Ed. "So I hear that you have a target on your back" he says once I walk in. "Yes I apparently do" I say to him. "Are you going to do anything about it?" he asks.

"What do suggest I do?" I ask him. "Kill him." Ed says simply. "It isn't that easy Mister Nashton" I tell him. "I beg to differ" he says. "Plus if I were to kill him it wouldn't just be simple it would be a horrible death" I say.

Task two was over and I had all my other ones before lunch. In lunch we talk more about the escape and how it was getting closer. Joker said that he will get is out of the cells. I still haven't found how to get The Croc out. Then my therapy session.

I walk into the room to see Jonathan standing instead of sitting.

"Oh good you're here. We have to discuss what it will be like for you" he says. "What, what would be like for me" I ask him. "The test of course we have e to go over a few things to get you prepared. So please sit down" he says kindly.

"Why are you being nice" I ask. "I am not" he says. I narrow my eyes at him. "Fine because if this happens. It will break you. But before that happens I'm going to make it so it isn't that hard for you. To settle you down" he says.

"Thank for your consideration. I guess" I say. "Of course" he says. "Hey what do mean by 'i will break'"I ask him. "You'll most likely break. I don't know for certain" he says. I hear him quietly say 'I hope you don't break'. I thought he would want to see me break I mean that is the whole point of this experiment.

"Okay you said that you need to prepare me. So prepare me" I say. "Okay. You'll probably scream. In fear of course. I'm going to a small dose so you don't die from your heart rate beating to fast" he says.

"Okay and if I do die" I ask. "Let's hope that doesn't happen. And If it does I'll claim it as an accident" he says. "How can you say that is an accident. Won't they question you?" I ask him. "I'll throw you off a building" he says. "Wow thanks" I mumble sarcastically.

"You'll probably have a few side effects after the experience" he says. "Like" I say edging him on. "You'll probably be schizophrenic for a while seeing thing that aren't there. You'll probably switch to your other personality for a while until it where's off" he tells me. "Pleasant" I say.

"Now tell me what is your worst fear" he asks. "You'll find out when the fear toxin gets into me" I say. "I'll be using a syringe instead of the gas" he says. I give him a look that says 'why'. "I'll be doing it so you don't inhale to much toxin this way I can manage how much goes into your body" he tells me. I bid my head in understanding.

"Anything else I need to know?" I say. "Yes once we're done I'll be taking you to the isolation room if you're screaming to much" he says to me. "Okay." I say. "Why are okay with this" he asks me standing up walking towards me. "I don't know I guess I just need some adventure this is probably the most I'll get while being stuck in here" I say. He nods looking down at me.

"Speaking of that. How long will I have to stay in here" I ask. "For what you've done. Most likely 30 years and then maybe you'll have parole" he say. "Thank God I won't be in here for long" I say. He raises his eyebrows. "Shit I said that out loud didn't I" I say. "I'll pretend I didn't hear it" he says. "Good" I say.

We talk a bit more and he tells me how it's going to go and what's going to happen and all. Soon out session was over and it was time to go back to my cell then I would go to the basement again.

A/N Sorry that this is so short I just didn't want to add both parts to it and it end up being agonizingly long.

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