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It's been officially a week since I last saw Jonathan. I kept going to my normal therapy sessions just this time I had them with Dr. Strange. Let me tell you he was hella boring.

He asked me the same questions as Jonathan just he didn't have that kind of effect that Jonathan had. Plus Jonathan was insane like me so I feel like I could connect with that.

Help also kept trying to get me to talk about Jonathan and Scarecrow. Asked me all sorts of questions. Like what I noticed about him. I told him that I noticed nothing. Even though when Jonathan didn't tell me what his alter ego was I still had a feeling the something was up with him.

They let us leave our cells since they found out who killed the inmate. The other cell mates didn't know though they wouldn't tell us who it was.

I woke up bright and early to go to breakfast. I sat down by Thomas. "Are you sure you didn't kill him" he asks right when I sit down.

"Not this again I already told you I'm pretty sure I'd know if I killed someone." I say. He been asking me if I killed the inmate for the past week. Which honestly I don't blame him if I wasn't me I'd think I killed him too. If that makes sense

"Okay I'm just making sure" he,says. "You've been making sure the past week and a half" I say. "I gotta be sure" he says shrugging.

"I heard the guy died of fear" he says. "Where do you get all of this information all the time" I ask. "My therapist talks a lot. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the one giving her the therapy session" he says.

"So the inmate died of fear" I ask. "Yeah. Kinda like what the Scarecrow does. Weird, right" he says. This just confirms that Jonathan did this. But what would be the point of killing an inmate if he has nothing to gain from it? I question myself. I go silent.

I zone off thinking for a moment. "Hey you good" Thomas says waving a hand in front of my face. I grab his hand in mid air. "Don't do that" I say putting his hand back down.

"Sorry. But are you okay?" He asks again. "Yeah just thinking" I say. "About..." He trails off wanting me to finish the sentence. "About a friend" I say. "Ohhh. Give me the gossip" he says whipping his purple hair around. "I'm just concerned for them" I say. "Why?" He asks. I was about to tell him before they announced that we have to go to our first task of the day.

I head to the laundry room and see Ed. "Sup" I say. "Hi" he says. "So what's wrong " he asks.

"Why do you think there's something wrong?" I ask. "You have a far away look. A blind cow could tell that something is wrong" he says.

"I'm thinking about someone" I say to him. "Ohh. Is this a special someone" he says raising his eyebrows. "No. I mean sure. I mean I don't know" I say stumbling over my words which surprises me since I don't do that very often.

"Why are you worrying?" He asks. "I just haven't seen them in a while. I think they did something stupid" I tell him.

"Why do care? Shouldn't you be some bad ass criminal that doesn't care about people?" he asks. I surprised that he swears I'm pretty sure out of all the time I've been here he's never sworn once.

"I don't know. He just is special I guess" why did I care about Jonathan? "So it is a 'he'.

Wise men know it. Poor men need it. Rich man want it. What am I?"

He asks. I think for a moment. "Love?" I say. He nods.

"Are you suggesting that I love him?" I ask. He nods again. "Well I don't. Like him maybe. Love him doubtful" I say out loud but, in my head my mind wavers thinking.

"Are you sure about that" he says. "Yes very sure" I say. I think I'm sure at least.

"Have you ever loved someone, Elizabeth" he asks. Have I ever loved someone? I think to all of the boyfriends I ever had. All of them I considered mistakes or just flings in a time of weakness. I shake my head in a no.

"See how would you know if you love e him if you've never experienced love before?" he says. I shrug not really know how to answer that.

"How would you feel of he died" Ed asked me. "I'd feel disappointed that he managed to get him self killed" I say. He narrows his eyes. "Fine. I'd be devastated" I admit. Wow did I really just say that out loud?

"Exactly" he says. "That doesn't prove anything. It's just shows that I care deeply for him" I say. "God just admit it. You've fallen in love" he Coos. "First at off no I haven't. I'd never fallen in love and I don't plan and doing so today or ever" I say. "Why" he says. "Because love makes you vulnerable. It makes you weak" I say dramatically.

"So who is the guy that as you put it 'care deeply for'"he asks. "I hope that you do understand that I am not going to tell you" he say.

"Is it that guy you always hang out with" he asks. "Which guy" I ask him. He points in a direction I follow his finger and see that he is pointing at Thomas. Who looks away once he sees us looking at him.

"Thomas? No he gay. For one. Two he's like the siblings I never wanted" I say. Ed nods. His eyes light up with mischief. "Is it" he starts "me" he finishes. "Ha. You wish" I say to him. He mocks offence. "I'm lovely" he says.

"What ever help you sleep at night, Nygma" I say patting his shoulder. It was time to leave to go to our second task.

I see Thomas and stand next to him while we are preparing the 'food'. "So you never got to telling me about why you're concerned" he asks.

"No. I'm not going over this again. I already did this with Nygma" I say . Thomas seems taken back at this out burst. "Yeesh okay then"he says.

"Sorry" I apologize. "Naw it's fine. So when do you break out of here" he says. "I honestly don't know yet. It's probably going to be in a week or two" I say.

"Oh okay" he says seemingly disappointed. "What?"I ask noticing this. "Just you're one of the few people I like in this hell hole. It's gonna suck having to see you" he says to me. "Don't worry. I'll come back for you. I promise" I say to him. He smiles at me. Soon we're done with task two and it's time for bench.

I head over to Selina and Harley. "So Ed told us you had a boyfriend" Selina say. "I don't have a boyfriend" I say. "Hmm" they both hum un convinced. "Truthfully." I say.

"Okay fine" Selina says. "So did you hear that the inmate died of fear" Harley says. "Yeah I'd did. How'd you two find out" I ask. "Your friend talks really loud" Selina says. "Do you think he did it" Harley asks Selina. "Wait who's he?" I ask them. "Oh the Crow" Selina says. Jonathan.

"You know the Scarecrow?" I ask. "Of course he's one of our allies" Harley says. I nod my head. "Do you know why he might've killed the inmate?" I ask. "No. Why should we? You'd probably know the best. The inmate was in front of your cell door" Selina says.

"J-Scarecrow do you think he'll get caught" I ask almost saying Jonathan. "I mean probably" Harley says. Wow thanks for having faith in him Harl.

Bench is over fat as is lunch. It was time for my therapy session that seemed like it went on forever.

But that eventually ended too. Now I was in my cell leaning against the wall. Thinking about what happened. And if Jonathan is okay. Just then I hear a loud noise and struggling. Shoes scrapping on the concrete floor.

They open the vacant cell next to mine. God. Another one. They throw the person in the cell. Quite literally.

I look to the other side of me and see that the person they put next to me is...


Fearsome•Jonathan CraneWhere stories live. Discover now