Chapter 5

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It's been days since the drop-off and Ash still won't let me see what's inside the box they left at the beach without us knowing it was dropped off in the first place.

I sighed, "Ash when are we going to find the guy and get the info we need?" I asked painting my nails a pale pink color.

She continued to look out the window with a blank look on her face and didn't say anything. Sighing I grabbed my bag and went towards the door, "I wouldn't be back in a while, I'm going out, don't stay up too late."

And with that, I left Ash by herself not knowing that she would have company late at night.


I continued to look out the window and at the city light.

I knew Rose wanted to look in the box but I couldn't her see.

Sighing I sat on the chair that was close to the windows and read a book that I found on the small table beside me.

Hours passed and Rose still didn't show up for her fun night, I rolled my eyes and smirked a little.

"You can come out now," I said not looking up from my book.

"Didn't think you'd pick up that fast," he said, coming out of the shadows of the large room, "but then again, you people do keep surprising me from time to time."

I closed my book and gently placed it down, "what do you want?" I asked. 

He smirked slightly, "I would like to make a deal."

I looked out the window and into the dark, cloudy sky, "what kind of deal?"

He chuckled slightly, "one that will change your world, now do we have a deal, Miss Knight?"

I wasn't sure If I could trust him... I mean I had a job to do and that was something I planned on doing right.

sighing I look at him his Caribbean blue eyes clashed with my midnight blue ones, Standing up I offered him my hand, "we have a deal," we shook hands and looked at each other, waiting for one of us to make the next move.

"Whats your name?" I asked as he was looking out the window.

He didn't look at me and continued to look out in the night, "Hitori, my name is Shogun Hitori." And with that, he fled through the window and into the dark streets of LA. 

Smirking slightly, "Hitori, huh." and with that I went to sleep, not knowing that he was still watching me through the curtains.


I opened the door minutes later in order to not raise suspicion, I looked at Ash, who was sleeping soundlessly. 

Sighing, I closed the window and went to bed and looked at the ceiling, thinking of what the next move will be.

picking p my phone and dialed a number I knew Ash would kill for using it in the first place.

"Hello?" I held my breath and looked at Ash, "Hey it's me...I need a favor to ask."

I heard a sharp breath slightly, "what kind of favor?"

Looking out the window for the man I heard in the room earlier, "our next stop is in Rome, there before we do, I have a job for you to handle."

"Alright, I'll meet you under the stars where the moon doesn't shine," and with that, I hung up and closed my eyes and wait for the next day.


I watched from the shadows, the woman closed the window and went to bed.

"Interesting." muttering lightly under my breath.

She picked up her phone and started talking into it, from what her face is expessing.

She turned and faced me, her eyes searching for something in the dark, I knew she was looking for me but she didn't know was that se was already looking at me.

She hung up and went to sleep.

Smirking slightly, I climbed down the pipe along the buildings and walked down the street with a friendly smile on my face.

I turned my head slightly and faced the buiding hwere they stayed, "Untill Angel~"


so what did you guys think? let me know in the comments! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do! stay tuned for more in the next chapter!

Ash out~

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