Chapter 11

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"You have got to be kidding me!" I yelled.

"Don't you dare complain! It's your damn fault in the first place!" She yelled, hurtling a throwing star at me.

"All I wanted to do was to talk to you!" Dodging the throwing star and taking cover behind a couch.

"Like hell you do!" She screamed in rage.

I gulped and looked around the couch, "I just wanted to talk to you about Ash and why she did what she did, that's all."

"Lies. I know why you're here."

"Oh really, what would that be?" I didn't think anybody was that smart figured out what I was doing in the first place.

"You're here to ask for her hand! Which forced her to keep quiet while you both have romantic meetings in the dead of night!"

What! How the hell did she come up with that ridiculous scenario?! "What the hell are you talking about!?!"

She chuckled darkly, "don't make me laugh, someone as breathtaking as Ash, who wouldn't want her hand in marriage! Men would die for her if that meant for just seeing her smile!"

Okay, this woman has lost her mind, "you don't need to worry, cause I don't want her hand in marriage." I said calmly.

Her violent rage ended, "you don't, why?"

I stood up from my cover and looked her in the eye, "cause I don't want to get married at my age, I am still young as well as the others in your family,"

She huffed and nodded, "that is true, so tell me why are you always seeing her when no one is around?"

I chuckled and sat down on a chair that did t have anything sharp sticking to it, "well you could say that she is of use to me, in a way."

She looked at me suspiciously, "are you sure?"

I nodded, " besides we have more important matters to attend too."

She crossed her arms and sat down calmly, "like what?"


"Cheer up Ash, there is no need to be sulking so much," Rinko said.

"I'm not sulking, you're just seeing things," looking at the cup of tea in front of me.

He just chuckled and nodded, "if you say so."

Out of all the scenarios that I imagined this was not part of it. Maybe I should be dropped some hints that I was doing something behind her back or something but something like what Shogun was doing was something I didn't even think about in the first place.

How will I ever face her when I see her again? Will she even want to be in the same room as me?

"You worry too much you know that."

I didn't move to look at him and just stared at the tea.

"I'm sure she'll forget what you did, Rose is never the one to hold a grudge for long especially if it's you." Rink said wiping the countertop and humming a light tone.

"How would you know? Rose isn't the kind of person someone has figured her out." stating the obvious.

He chuckled, "I know but, I've been watching Rose for a bit and only managed to crap off a little bit of the icing."

"Are you sure Rose will forgive me?" I said quietly.

Rink smiled widely, "Without a doubt."


"So do we have a deal?"

I just looked at Shogun, who had a smile that can rival Raven's, sighing I nodded and stood up, "you have a deal Hitori."

"Now let's see what Rinko and Ash are doing, shall we?" opening the door for me.

I shrugged and went out and to the kitchen, knowing that Rinko would be making something to cheer up Ash.

"Oh, you should forgive her you know. She didn't mean any of this to happen." He said walking alongside me.

"but that doesn't mean that she had to lie to me like that," I muttered lightly under my breath.

He sighed and just continued to walk with me until we reached the door that separated.

I sighed and opened the doors and saw Rinko trying to comfort Ash.

"Ash we need to talk," I said grabbing her attention and crossing my arms slightly, giving her a thin smile.


Sorry for not being here for a few days. My best friend came down to visit and I was caught up in being with her that I completely forgot all about updating my books this summer and everything, I'm just really sorry that I completely forgot my work, so for making it up to you guys, I will be trying to make an effort to my work so you all can read it! So if you guys want to read more, say tuned for the next chapter!

Ash out~

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