Chapter 8

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I saw Rose and Rinko burst through the doors in a haste, "Hey?" they stopped and looked at me with wide eyes, "Is something wrong?" I asked.

They looked at each other quickly but not quick enough, "We thought that there was a breach in the system and I wanted to check it out, you know considering that something went wrong," Rinko said, lying smoothly. 

I smiled slightly, "It was probably nothing to worry about, maybe it was an animal."

Rinko chuckled and nodded with a playful smile on his face, "Yeah, you're probably right."

"Well it must've been a fox, they are sly creatures and a most troublesome," Rose stated with a grin of her own.

"Yeah, they are. So how was your little date?" smirking a little.

Rinko looked like a fish out of the water and Rose looked away with a pout on her face, "We weren't on a date," she said.

I chuckled, "I'll believe it when I see it."

"Hey, Rose wants to help me in the computer room with the security system?" Rinko said, trying to hide his smile behind his hand.

"Sure, I'd love too," running after him with a mocking love on her face.

"Well don't do anything that I wouldn't do," walking to my room with a slight grin.

I closed my door while hearing Rose screaming in denial.

"Well, that was entertaining."

"I don't know what was worse, you getting caught or that fact that Rose will be after my head," pouring some scotch.

Shogun chuckled, "well then I wish you luck when that happens." sitting on the windowsill.

"Hmm, when are you leaving?" looking them with a blank face.

He shrugged his shoulders and looked at me, "When I know that the time is right."

Chuckling slightly and nodded, "Well It better be soon cause I can see Rose's wheels turning."

He nodded and looked out the window, "It will be."


"She's hiding something, I know it," pacing in front of Rinko, who was just sitting there and smiling like an idiot.

"What are you so worried about?" Rinko asked.

"I'm worried that she is hiding something from us." finally sitting down on the chair next to him and looking at the security cameras.

"What could she possibly hide from you?" he said playing a game on his phone.

"I don't know anything, she could be-" I looked at the screen more closely and I couldn't believe my eyes, "oh my god."

"What? what is it?" Rinko asked and looked at the screen as well and grinned, "well it does look like she was hiding something."

I didn't say anything, just kept looking at the frozen image of Ash and an unknown man talking to each other, they looked so friendly with each other in the same room.

And the thing that went through my mind was, why...


I watched Rose as she stared at the screen with wide eyes, I knew this was bad and that Rose now knows makes it even worse.

"Rose... are you all right?" I asked putting my hand on her shoulder and turning her around slowly, "Rose?"

She nodded slightly as her eyes started tearing up a bit.

"Rose do you need some space?" I asked.

She nodded and just started crying silently while watching the screen.

I sighed as I closed the door and started to make my way to the dining room for dinner, "This isn't going to end well."

"Hey Rinko, " Ash said sitting down next to me, "where is Rose?" 

I shrugged and looked out the window, "Don't know, she left after she helped me with the system, didn't tell me where she was going."

Ash looked worried, "Well that odd for her, she hardly ever keeps anything from her family."

I nodded and hoped that Rose will get over this soon.

"So how was the little getaway thing you guys had earlier?" Ash asked with a smirk on her face.

I chuckled and shook my head, "it wasn't a date if that's what you're thinking, I just needed an excuse for Rose to finally get out of the villa, that's all."

Ash looked at me like she didn't believe me, which I don't blame her, I am in the family so it's part of the job.


She lied to us...

She lied to the Don...

She lied to Rinko...

But most of all... she lied to



I hope you liked the chapter! sorry that I haven't been updating as much as I wanted to, it's been a  really tough week for me, so I do really hope that you liked the chapter and if you want more stay tuned for the next one.

Ash out~

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