Chapter 9

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I was worried that Rose was taking this a little to personal, but then again she was right.

I checked the security cameras and caught a shadow that dashed through the trees and onto the villa, I didn't want Ash to know much less Rose.

They both have been together when the lady found them abandoned in an alleyway in NYC, she fell in love with them the moment she laid her eyes on them and took them to the compound to be raised by the family. 

Now the Don was dying and he needed someone to hand over the family business, most of the family say it's Rose that will have the family business but others are thinking that Ash will have the family business.

"How long are you going to stay in here?" I asked, watching as Rose.

"As long as I want."

She never blinked and had tears running down her face with a blank face and looking at nothing.

I sighed and sat down next to her, stroking her hair slightly,"come on you have to get up sometime, Ash is very worried about you."

Rose flinched slightly and got up and paced the room with an aggravated look on her face.

"Look, Rose, you need to let this go and just talk to her, we may be just jumping to conclusions? It could be just nothing, maybe a sniper assault or a spy?" I listed, trying to keep her from tearing up the elegant room.

Rose wasn't going to believe me, so I thought of the only solution that would make her feel better, "Rose do you want to go somewhere."

She stopped and nodded lightly, smiling I picked her up and over my shoulder and through the villa, passing Ash as she looked at us with a confused gaze but said nothing about it.


"Where are we going?" I asked for the umpteenth time, crossing my arms and having a slight pout on my face.

"For the last time, it's a surprise now stop talking and enjoy the wind in your red hair," Rinko said, driving with a carefree feeling.

I scoffed and glared at him, "it's not Red, it's Auburn! Get it right!"

Rinko just chuckled and nodded, "yeah, whatever."

I looked out the window and stared at the building passing by,  I never had time looking at the surrounding mostly because I've been trying to catch whose been sneaking in to see Ash, when we're not there.

"Alright, you can stop." He said,  with a serious look on his face.

Not facing him, I kept looking at the buildings that blurred by, "what are you talking about."

"Blaming you're self, blaming Ash for whats happening, none of us expected it to happen that quick... you need to give yourself a break." Rinko said, finally pulling over at a ranch?

what the hell are we doing at a ranch? we better not be horse riding! I hate horses, especially if i'm riding them!

"Rinko...what the hell are we doing here." I asked sneering at him with hatred.

He just gave me that childish grin and walked towards the barn... where the horses are being kept.

"I'm going to kill you Rinko, if the horse doesn't kill me first," muttering under my breath lightly.

He just laughed and shocked his head, mocking me, "like that will ever happen."

I huffed and watched as Rinko guided a horse by it's reins, towards me with a sly smile on his face.

"I'm going to die today." 


"I'm going to die today." I muttered lightly under my breath and watched as Shogun messed with Rinko's priceless collections of autographed baseballs being thrown everywhere and breaking everything that comes in contact with them. 

"You should relax, have some fun," Shogun said throwing a Babe Ruth baseball towards me at top speed.

I sighed and caught the ball with ease and setting it down on the small table next to me.

"Yeah I get that, but does it have to here! It looks like Jackie-Chan's sets from the Rush Hour movies!" Not one spot that wasn't trashed was clean.

Shogun looked everywhere and shrugged sheepishly.

I shook my head and started cleaning, "I swear you are unbelievable." 

"You know that she's on to you right." He said leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms over his chest.

I stiffened and nodded slightly, "... I know."


Well wasn't that a great chapter? Who knew that dangerous people have fears and some are just plain childish! If you want more stay tuned for the next chapter!

Ash out~

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