Chapter 19

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This is bad, this is really bad! I didn't think this will be the outcome, I would've stayed back at the villa and just looked at them through the screen.

"If this is what the outcome came to be them, I should've killed you when I had the chance." The Don said, pointing the gun at Shogun as Ash and Rose were pointing a gun at each other, not moving an inch from their heated glare.

Shogun shrugged and he steadied his gun and looked at the Don with a lazy smile, "well it's not like this was going to happen, so why not cut to the chase."

Ash was just staring at Rose with an empty look, Rose's face was painted with a scowl, "Why did it have to be you? why not me?!" Rose exclaimed slightly.

Ash didn't say or do anything which irritated Rose even further.

"Might as well give up on Ash, she's not going to give you sympathy or anything like someone like her should do for," Shogun said.

"This is not what the plan was first anticipated," Raven said worriedly, peeking over the fallen table that she used as a shield in case they started to fire.

"You think!" I hissed under my breath.


"So this is how it ends?" I stated, not taking my eyes off Rose as she clutches the gun tightly in her grip.

"I guess so, " she a sickening smile, to others it might've looked like she was giving off a friendly aura but from where I'm standing she was far from friendly.

"You guys are really going to kill each other over a stupid little title?!" Raven shouted.

I shrugged and Rose was sneering slightly at me, "of course, it's not something you can just sweep under the rug you know."

Shogun chuckled slightly and turned towards me with a smile," well, not everything can go according to plan."

"Come on guys, this isn't worth it. We can all forget about this and go back to the villa," Rinko said, but it was mostly for Rose since she is the one that runs off emotions.

"NO! I want to know, why she did it and why not pick me?!" Rose exclaimed loudly.

I shook my head and looked at her with empty eyes, "you show too many emotions when it comes to the kill, Rose."


I smirked slightly as I watched the exchange with Ash and Rose, sure they are like my sisters and we all grew up together but not in the same room is all.

The plan was going exactly as it was anticipated when Shogun first saw me.

"This was too easy, "I whispered under my breath as I watched everyone.

Rinko was trying so hard to get the girls to put down their guns while Shogun and the Don were having a staring contest.

This was almost too easy, but I can't complain, they don't remember me so why bother with this anyways. It felt like it was almost yesterday when I finally showed myself to them, not remembering their old friend when I welcomed them to the family.

= Flashback=

"Uncle Don where's aunt Tatiana?" I whispered lightly, book in my lap and a cup of warm milk on the table in front o me.

Uncle Don shrugged, "She's welcoming some new people into the family, nothing you need to worry about, princess." Lighting a cigar and giving it a puff.

I nodded and continued with my book.

I was never allowed outside the mansion walls ever since I was two years old. Aunt Tatiana never lets me be seen unless it was one of the maids that took care of me or a butler that takes outside for my monthly play times at night.

Over the years I've learned to turn off emotions with some of Uncle Din's guards. It was Aunt Tatiana's twenty-fourth birthday and I was watching Aunt Tatiana from the shadows. The little girl that aunt Tatiana was spending more time with instead of me.

I grew envious of her when I tried to get aunt Tatiana to spend some time with me, but it seemed that I was already replaced with someone better than me overnight.

She lets guard down for a second, I saw something flash in the corner of my eye, I quickly made my way to the roof and saw a boy with a rifle. He had black hair and looked like he knew what he was doing too.

"Hey." I startled him and turned towards me slowly.

I gasped, his eyes were Caribbean blue, but they were also empty.

I closed my mouth and walked towards him slowly, "what are you doing here?"

He didn't say anything and just started a time with his cold eyes.

"what are you doing here with that Rifle?" I asked again, keeping my eye on the rifle and him at the same time in case he was going to pull the trigger.

I was going to ask him another question when he said, "I'm sorry."

And with that, he pulled the trigger.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm so sorry that didn't update as much as I promised to you all but I hope this made up for my absence and the story goes cold.

 Ash out~

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