Chapter 21

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I smirked and looked at them with a sad smile, "this is something that I and the Don have between us."

Ash stood in front of the Don, a fierce expression on her face as she spread out her arms, wanting to take the bullet, "Don't even think about it."

I just sighed and looked at her, if only she knew, "this is not something you need to be in Ash, you have a family run and I have a Don to kill."

Ash shook her head and gave me a cold glare, "leave him be. I am now head of the family and whatever fight you have with the Don you have with me now."

Rose slowly stood up and stood next to Ash, "you'll have to get through me as well." she said fiercely.

Rinko stood next to me with a guilty expression.

Rose gave him a confused look, "Rinko? What are you doing?"

He just looked at the ground and clenched his fists, "I'm sorry Rose, but I'm siding with my boss on this one." Crossing his arms and giving Rose a sad smile.


I can't believe it... Rinko. Why would he side with him and why call him boss?

"Rinko...what is the meaning of this?" I whispered lightly. I didn't want to believe it but, I didn't expect him to be the one to go behind our backs and side with him.

"I'm sorry Rose but I owe him my loyalty," he said looking at me in the eye and raising a gun at me.

Raven chuckled darkly and stood with them, a crazed smile on her face, "well this was an unexpected turn of events, am I right?" she said giggling lightly.

"Raven, what do you think you're doing! put the gun down and come here this instant, This is not how a daughter of mine shall act in front of me!" the Don said in a cold tone to Raven.

Raven just looked at him with the smile, "I'm sorry Papà, but this is how it's going to work. Ash will pass down the family business to me then and only then will I become a true Coronado of the family. After that hmm... I guess we kill you three. For silence of course." grinning slightly at the last part.

"You can't be serious! The Don has passed the family to Ash, there is nothing you can do about it anymore." I stated in a calm manner. Remember the fact the Ash is the new Don and that means I have to protect her.

"Actually Rose, she's not the heir to the family so Raven has the right to get back what's rightfully hers, to begin with," Rinko said.


This is bad. I'd never thought that Rinko would turn his back on us but then again there are still somethings we all are hiding from each other.

But Rinko is right, Raven does have a right to the family, even though I'm the new Don. Damn, I guess we'll have to take this to the other head families.

I sighed slightly since I really haven't made a sound in the beginning, "Listen up."

They all looked at me with confused looks. I couldn't blame them they are curious about what I have to say this time.

"Since we can't come to an agreement and the fact that there is a problem with choosing an heir for the family, not to mention there has been a treason for one of our own. We will take this matter to the head of the families." I said, not giving them a choice in the matter.

"You can't be serious? The head of the families? They'll most likely choose Raven since the family is everything to them!" Rose said, giving me a worried look.

I nodded and looked at the previous Don, "what do you think?"

He shrugged his shoulders and gave me a look, a look I knew all too well, to begin with, "it is up to you, to decide the future of the family you are now in the care of."

Raven gave us a smile and nodded, "why don't we take this to the head of the families hmm? Then we'll know who the rightful owner is to the family."

I gave her a cold glare and nodded, "we'll settle this with the head of the families and see what the final decision that will affect the future of this family."

Raven gave me an innocent smile, "my the best Don win."

Rose gave her an equal glare and sneered, "bet on it."


I sighed as we drove off. We're staying at a hotel, something Shogun owns and it was fine for us to stay here.

Everything just went to shit. That was never part of the plan, exposing all of our secrets but Shogun thought it was best to create tension and distrust until the verdict was decided on who will take the family.

"why so tense."

I turned to Raven who was filing her nails as she looked out to the sky.

I shrugged and just crossed my arms against my chest, " I guess the fact that I lost two of my best friends for some damn title."

Raven scoffed and gave a hard look, "we both know this was going to lead to it one way or another, stop trying to avoid the enviable and just accept the fact that they might never forgive you."

I sighed and just looked at the ceiling.

"You're not feeling bad about this are you?" Shogun asked.

I shook my head and just sighed, "that's not it. it's just the fact that was going against our friends for some title that you so desperately wanted," I said pointing at Rave for the last part.

Raven gave me a scoff and turned away, "not my fault that your previous Rose is on their side."

"Not my fault that you have abandonment issues with dear old daddy," I said hotly.

"Now enough!" Shogun said before Raven could say anything back, "Now I know what we are doing is something we all don't like to don't the first place but this is something we all wanted for a long time ever since we meet."

I turned away and grimaced, wishing the girls luck on what's going to happen to everyone.


Hey! I am so sorry for keeping you all waiting I just feel horrible!! I really really promise to update as much as possible I promise! I hoped you like this chapter I put a lot of thought into considering I made it all wait. Anyways if you like it then stay tuned for more in the next chapter!

Ash out~

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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