Chapter 14

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"Man that was a long night," I said, stretching and groaning from how stiff my muscles have been from sitting in the holding cell all night.

Rose giggles and nodded, "but we had fun right?" She said, smiling lightly.

Shogun smirked and nodded, "that was the most fun I had in ages! Who knew a goat can run that fast."

Rinko groaned and frowned, "how was that fun? I can come up with more fun games for us to do."

I smirked, "no offense Rinko but we all know that Rose can come up with something as extremely dangerous and stupid in a few hours and we all end up in jail cause of that."

Everyone laughed and nodded, "well, we do have a mission don't we?" Rose said.

Shogun smirked and nodded, "well from what I know you all aren't ready yet, so I suggest you don't push it.

Rose happy and bubbly aura was gone in an instant and her smile was replaced with a sneer, she kept silent and faked an understanding.

  Rinko saw how Rose changed and he looked worried as much as I did. Looks like there was more to Rose to what we thought.


"You saw that right?" I asked, we were both in the cellar while looking for some wine to drink with the dinner we were going to have.

Ash nodded and looked down. "this is probably my fault."

"It was never your fault, Rose is just impatient and stubborn and you know how she gets when she doesn't get what she wants," grabbing a bottle of white wine and examining it, "and besides we have each other backs like the old days."

She nodded slightly and smiled, "yeah, you're probably right. She does get that, even when we were kids with the family, she was always the spoiled little brat out o the three of us."

I chuckled, "yeah, I was the runt of the three and you were the strong-willed, smart, understanding, and skilled, while Rose was the one that was always showered with everything that she ever asked for."

"Yeah, she was always something to the family, even when she wanted to be something more. She perfected the skill of handling any kind of gun they gave her and here she is now... with us, on a mission that the Don gave me and she tried to get me to tell her in any way she can think of, and I not telling her." Ash whispered the last part softly.

I chuckled and walked up the stairs and into the dining room where everyone is, "It's all about trusting each other,"  smiling and pouring the wine into glasses, "that's what one of the things they taught us."

"What are you guys talking about?" Shogun asked, Rose walking alongside him.

It seemed that they both have been getting along, ever since she finds out that they've have been meeting each other. But I'm still wary of what she can do.

Ash smiled, "nothing that you all need to worry about." sitting down and giving them a gentle smile.

They smiled back and sat down.

"So, a toast!" I started, raising a glass of wine, "to trusting each other and making more family."

They raised their glasses of wine and smiled.

"To family!"


The moon was shining through the window as the wind blew a gentle breeze.

Not a soul was awake and wondering the halls of the mansion-like home, not a sound was heard in the night.

"Have you found out anything?"

I shook my head and looked down, "I'm sorry Don, I haven't found anything of any use."

The Don sighed in frustration, "It doesn't matter if he stays in the shower for hours on end, everything he does matters we need to fill in the gaps with the file I gave you."

I nodded and logged off the computer and erased any trace leading back to the Don.

I sighed and turned towards the window.

"I hope you do not sleepwalk." I turned and saw Shogun standing there, my mind wandered back to the conversation with the Don, facing the Window again.

"Not talking are we? well, I can stay up all night if I have too," he said, sitting on a small chair next to the window and looked out the into the night with me.

I knew he would stay until I said something, this is going to be a long night.


So what did you guys think? was it good? let me know in the comments! If you want to read more, stay tuned for the next chapter!

Ash out~

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