Chapter 13

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I groaned and sat there with a frown on my face and a cold look in my face.

"Wasn't that fun?" Rose said with a smile on her face.

We grunted and just sat there.

She frowned and crossed her arms, "be glad it wasn't that big at least we're not staying in jail for that long.

Yup, we are in jail... This is not how I wanted to spend my time with them. Sitting in a holding cell with other people, but then again Rose did have a habit of making trouble with or without a reason and we always seem to find ourselves in jail because if that.

"I shouldn't have followed you both, why don't I listen to my own advise?" Ash said quietly.

Shogun was sitting next to her with a pleasant smile on his face, "well I'd be lying on my part if I said it wasn't fun at all."

Rose giggled, "See! Even he enjoyed it! Come on guys it's just like the good old days! Remember the three of us against the world causing trouble and fun wherever we go!"

I knew it was a bad idea to steal the horse.

|| Flashback ||

"Are you sure that this is safe?" I asked, crouching down, hiding behind a bush.

Rose was giggling from the tree branch above, "Yeah, I'm sure and besides we need to live a little! remember."

I groaned and just stared at the barn in front of us. This is a bad idea, every idea of Rose is something that will always end in a bad way.

"What are we doing here anyway?" I asked, looking through the binoculars. 

"We are here to have fun, my friend," Rose said, dropping to the ground next to me, "and that barn has the animal we need for the fun to begin."

I sighed and just went with it.

I didn't know how Rose found this place or all the good blindspots are at either, but I'll never want to know.

"What are you guys doing?"

Rose and I jumped and quickly grabbed our guns and pointed it a the culprits.

"Hey! we come in peace!" Shogun said showing the alien peace sign with Ash rolling her ocean blue eyes at him.

"What are you guys doing here?" I whispered.

Shogun and Ash crouched down next to us and looked a the barn, "we wanted to check out what you guys were doing and thought that we could join you and your little fun time," Shogun said.

Ash rolled her eyes, "more like wanting to follow you like creeps and see what you've been up too, plus we got bored and wanted to do something other than watching paint dry."

Rose giggled and nodded, "see I knew you wanted to create havoc with us, so you want to know what we are planning?" 


"DON'T LET THE GOAT GET AWAY!" Rose yelled chasing after the running goat.

"WELL, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!" Shogun exclaimed, holding on to the goat and laughing out loud.

"LET THE GOAT GO IS ONE OF THE OPTIONS!" Rinko yelled running alongside Rose.

Rose cracked a goofy smile, "NOT A CHANCE! DON'T LET GO."

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I ran with us through the streets of Italy, dodging people and apologizing in Italian.

"This better be worth it, cause last time I checked this isn't fun! I thought we were just taking the goat and playing princess again like last time." I said, jumping over a wooden cart full of grapes.

"Isn't it always?! and besides this is better than watching paint dry right," Rose said mocking me.

Shogun laughed and held on tight to the goat.

"This is ridiculous! We are making a mess!" Rinko yelled looking at the mess we made and frowning, thinking that we will definitely go to jail if we get caught.

Rose just smirked, "live a little."

And just when we were starting to get comfortable, police sirens where heard and we all panicked as Shogun accidentally let go of the goat and skidded on the pavement.

We stopped and held up our hands as they started to yell.

We groaned and let them handcuff us as we all had a teasing grin on our faces, thinking that this was a night to remember.

"You know this will be an interesting story to tell to the others once we get back home," Rinko said, trying to flirt with an Italian blonde.

We all laughed and nodded as we drove to the police station, with a goat running around the nightly streets of Italy.


So what did you think? was It good, funny, boring? let me know if you liked it or not in the comments and I'll see what I can do. So if you want to read more stay tuned for the next chapter!

Ash out~

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