Chapter 12

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The woods... the only thing that I will never leave behind in my life.

Even when things got hectic, I always take a walk in the woods and leave all my problems behind.

"I see that you love walking aimlessly through the woods. now, why is that?"

I chuckled and looked at the trees, "and I see that you love to spy on people when they are trying to relax."

"Well, I can't help it," stepping from behind the tree on my right and crossing his arms, "besides you looked very relaxed when you have nothing on your mind."

Sighing, "I would be even more relaxed if you didn't follow me so much."

He chuckled, walking alongside me and kept quiet.

It was like this for a while, nothing was said between us, just the sound of the woods and blowing of the wind. It almost felt peaceful for once.

"How much longer?" Breaking the silence that hung in the air.

"Not much, we just have to be patient that's all," he said walking towards a cliff and overlooking the woods that lay before us. 

"You've been saying that for the last three days and they are getting impatient with every passing second, especially Rose," picking up a small flower and looked at it with a blank face.

"Well, you do seem to be at peace and they need to learn how to be patient with everything that's been going on." Muttering lightly.

I sighed, let the wind take the small flower, watching it as it was swept away from my grasp.


"Urgh! How much longer do we have to wait?" Looking through a book and frowning at the thought of waiting much longer than necessary.

Chuckling was heard from the kitchen, "you know that he's testing us right?"

I huffed and pouted slightly, "yeah I know but still we've never waited this long for something so easy, plus I know that you're itching to fight someone."

"How would you know?" Rinko asked, setting the apple pie down to cool off.

"Cause," getting up and dipping a finger in the pie and licked it off, "you never bake a pie without thinking the easiest way to kill someone with it."

He rolled his eyes and nodded, "Okay, point taken. So what do you purpose we do now?"

I smirked slightly, something that I shouldn't have done since Rinko was looking at something that scared him to death.

"You're not planning what I think you're planning...right?" he asked nervously.

"Let's just hope that we don't get caught doing it." getting my purse and sunglasses.

He sighed and followed, "yeah, let's hope."


"What do you think they are doing?" asked Ash, laying in the grass, staring at the sky.

I shrugged and chuckled, "probably something stupid, like where is the meatloaf?"

She giggled lightly, something that I've grown fond of while spending time with her.

"Yeah, Rinko would be the person to come up with something lame and stupid as that, he tried making us cross a bridge with our spy outfits and make it feel like if you stepped in the wrong spot then he'll use a blowhorn and scream, 'SHE DIED! EVERYONE TAKE KNEE!' I swear that was the most embarrassing part of my life I spent with Rinko and Rose. I'll still be with them if that meant playing the stupid game again." She said, playing with the grass.

I chuckled, "that sound like a great time to be in... I would never imagine a game like that."

"Maybe we can all get together and do some ridiculous game, something to look forward too right?" smiling at the thought of it.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked, watching her as she had her thinking face on.

She smiled, "well~"


"I can't believe we are doing this," I muttered lightly under my breath.

Rose was giggling next to me as I drove to our destination.

"Come on! It's not going to be that bad, don't be such a drama queen and just drive. It'll be worth it, trust me." watching the trees blur by with every passing second.

I sighed, "I know, that's the problem, me trusting you is something I never seem to learn over the years."

"Hey! are you saying that I suck?! cause I'll have you know that a lot of people trust me blindly!" she screamed, going on and on how trustworthy she is and how all her plans come out great in the end.

Man, this is going to be one hell of a ride.


So how did you like this chapter? please let me know in the comments! If you want to read more then stay tuned for the next chapter!

Ash out~

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