As soon as all four of them had entered the great doors; the doors swung shut. They heard a loud clank as the doors locked behind them. Virgil had a look of dread in his eyes.
“Great hornless dragon’s teeth!” He exclaimed, “I cannot believe that I fell for that!”
“What?” Tiyana asked.
Virgil’s reaction set her nerves on edge. Virgil pounded on the great doors. Nothing happened. Then, he strode over to a pedestal and put his palm above it. As he approached, a familiar emerald holographic sphere appeared. It turned orange as it enveloped Virgil’s hand.
“Jeosen.” A calm, robotic voice said.
Virgil interrupted it before it could go on, “Kesa ect iraquof ic tumalmech mass banhat?”
The response came, “Mass banhat vess bindof picibhat ic sueledll ar Malacoda Nar-Pyresaun. Urnust nivo onz ect iraquof ic anulēt ha sueled kamer Nar Malacoda ect essern.”
“E viss… ect heddin moto?” Virgil responded.
The reply sounded slightly apologetic, “Zo, entwidi Nar Malacodayi dramina aur urnust nivo onz ect iraquof.”
“E viss.” Virgil replied dejectedly.
“We are locked in here.” He said in English.
Everyone’s eyes opened wide.
Tiyana broke the silence first, “So, what did you find out?”
Virgil answered slowly, “Malacoda is present. We need his clearance to open the doors. There is only one other way out.”
“And what is that?” Tiyana prodded.
“If he leaves the building, then his clearance level leaves with him.”
“Does he have to check out?” Tiyana asked.
Virgil answered, “No, it is a safety protocol. Even he cannot change it. He must check in once every day. If he fails to check in, then his authority level drops to zero. I am not clear on exactly why the system was set up the way it is, but it is what it is, and it cannot be changed.”
The news took time to sink in. After a fruitless discussion of their options, the quintet resigned themselves to continuing their journey as if nothing had happened. They walked deeper into the subterranean realm.
The monolithic size of the underground realm astounded Hunter. They had walked into a titanic underground metropolitan area. Shops and offices lined the walls of the endless tunnels of the Byzantine world. The buildings, however, bore no markings. They were all assiduously clean and pristinely preserved. The whole area had a sterile, hospital-like feel to it. It was as if the structures were all put there with the most neutral, utilitarian goals. It was as if they were waiting to be moved into and personalized. It was as if masterful architects of an ancient age prepared their magnum opus in hopes that it would draw residents, but they never came.
“Virgil, did you know that all of this was down here?” Hunter asked, still awestruck by the scale of it all.
“I did.” The taciturn monk replied.
“It’s incredible.” Tiyana added.
“It was.” Virgil remained tight-lipped.
“Do you know where we are going?” Hongo asked.
“Somewhat.” Came their guide’s reply.
“Wonderful.” Hongo said dryly.
He double checked his pistols to make sure that he still had the safety off. The loneliness of the vast empty space made his hairs stand on end.

Dawn of the Epoch
ActionHunter called himself an archaeologist, but he was a modern day treasure hunter. Tiyana was a scientist devoted to her craft. They were passionate people, wholly devoted to their work. Neither of them had time for love. Neither of them could resist...
Chapter LXXX - Another Excavation?