April 22nd 2018

18 3 0

7:30am: So when I was sleeping I had a dream that I can't remember any part of then I suddenly woke up and got up quickly, walking to my desk. When I noticed what I was doing I stopped and looked around. I didn't know why I got up since it's the weekend and I prefer to sleep in. I tried to remember what I was even doing and it never registered in my memory at all. It's odd since I never burst out of bed like that especially not early in the morning.

9:17am: I ate back from the kitchen with a muffin and brought my chair over in front of my TV and turned on my TV to Jacksepticeye. I then sat down and finished half my muffin until I looked down at my right hand to see dried blood on it. I searched my whole body and I couldn't find any where that it could have possible came from. It's strange.

Unexplainable Incidents (2018)Where stories live. Discover now