July 25th 2018

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9:39pm: Me and my best friend were watching Marble Hornets together and when I went to turn back on my light, one of my two lightbulbs stopped working.

Around 10:40pm: Me and my best friend also went on a walk and recorded ourselves cause why not and we kept feeling like we were followed. We also relistened to the audio and heard a faint ringing in the background. We also experienced many strange figuristic things that creeped us out. What's strange is the glitching didn't happen on the same road that it did last time. Sadly we only had twenty minutes to go on a walk so nothing too wild happened. My phone camera sucks a lot as well so most of it is only audio so that's what we had to deal with. We're saving up for a at least decent camcorder.

11:05pm: I came in my room and the TV that I had Marble Hornets paused on had shut off by itself. My friend didn't even noticed that it shut off either.

Unexplainable Incidents (2018)Where stories live. Discover now