Chapter 1

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Beep, Beep, Beep! Luna's alarm clock violently shouted next to her.

"Hmm." She muffled burying her face into her pillow and pulling the duvet over her head. After a few seconds of huffing and puffing Luna stretched out her arm to switch off the alarm clock, suddenly there was silence. Luna frowned slightly, why was there no noise or shouting. Luna slowly sat up rubbing her eyes as she slipped on her pastel blue slippers. She trudged to her door and apprehensively pulled the door handle down. There was no sound. She quickly hurried to the unclean bathroom and then headed downstairs. No one was in. She sighed and began getting ready for school. It wasn't unusual for her to wake up and no one to be in her house, and to be honest, she quite liked it, but when she was left alone for days on end, she felt very lonely, even though her best friend tried her best to keep her company. Luna's parents broke up four months ago, and everyone took it hard. Luna's dad (Matt) became an alcoholic and became very abusive, shouting and shoving everything and everyone out of his way. Her mum (Sophie) started going out partying, getting drunk and often going missing for days on end to only turn back up at her house with ripped clothes, messy hair and dirty skin and Luna began having suicidal thoughts, thinking over and over of being dead so she didn't have to live through the emotional and physical pain. After she was already for school she picked up her bag and headed out the door, waiting for the day to commence.

It was 7:30 in the morning and Cameron was downstairs eating his cereal when his mum (Rebecca) sat next to him with her newspaper and cup of coffee.

"How are you this morning?" she asked gently. Cameron hated this. Two months ago, he was diagnosed with cancer, he had been told that there was no way he could recover from it as his immune system was too weak, he had also been told that his hair would never grow back, therefore had to wear a wig. The wig was dark brown and had no style so hung loosely, similar to his original hair. He basically lived in constant fear of dying. He knew he had to lie to his mum, if she knew the truth she would probably send him straight back to hospital.

"Erm, I'm fine mum." Cameron lied picking up his bowl and heading to the kitchen to wash it up. His mum smiled meekly at him. She knew he struggled with accepting that this was now his life but if he was having a 'good' day then she found some hope.

At school Lottie was already by her locker waiting for her best friend to. Dead on eight O'clock Luna strolled into school.

"Hey!" Lottie shouted rushing over to give Luna a hug. "How are you?" Lottie knew all of Luna's troubles and tried to help her through it as much as possible. However, she didn't know that Luna was suicidal. Luna would never let anyone know. She was very private but also very open at the same time which made it easy for her to lie to people to cover her true feelings.

"I'm doing okay." Luna said in a sad tone. Immediately Lottie put her hands on Luna's shoulders.

"What happened?" Lottie asked. She heard Luna let out a big sigh, she instantly pulled Luna close to give her a big hug.

"My mum was gone when I woke up this morning, god knows where she's gone." Luna sharply said. Lottie's face fell. She knew how lonely and isolated Luna often became and hated that her mum would leave her through a time of distress.

A few minutes before the bell, Cameron and his best friend Jacob both waltzed into the school halls as millions of other students where hurriedly heading to their lockers and classes. Out of the corner of Cameron's eye he saw a beautiful girl with dark brown hair that was gently curled at the bottom. She was wearing a black skater skirt with ripped tights, a dark blue crop top and black vans. She was laughing and talking to her friend. Cameron's face fell, he doesn't remember the last time that he smiled or laughed. He only seems to remember the last time he cried though. It was last night, every single night his pillow becomes drenched in salty tears as he slowly tries to fall into a dreamland where everything is better, god, if only he could stay in dreamland.

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