Chapter Twelve

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Jacob sighed when he got up the next morning, another day meant another day of hell. He moved his arm slightly to move the duvet off him and then felt a sharp tug on the top of his arm. He winced slightly and looked at the damage. The blood had dried in his sleep and had stuck to the duvet, Jacob pulled his arm away as gently as possible, hissing and wincing as he done so. Once Jacob was sat up, he got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to get ready for his day ahead.

Jacob picked out a plain long sleeve black top, which was his go-to top when he had made a mess off his arm and didn't want anyone else to see because it was a bit baggy and the sleeves covered most of his hand. He paired it with some black jeans and his black vans. He looked in the mirror at himself and sighed. With one last final check of his hair, he left the house.

Walking to school was one of the best parts of Jacob's day. It was the time he got to be alone and get lost in his thoughts and think. It was a crisp cool morning and there was frost on the ground and the slight breeze that Jacob felt every now and then against his dark green coat that kept dragging him back into reality.

"Oi, emo, over here!" Jacob heard some boy shout when he was about to cross the traffic lights, Jacob looked up to see Ryan, his bully for the past four years. Normally he would ignore the comments or just let him and his 'gang' beat him up until they had finished with him, he was slowly losing fight. Jacob then heard some chuckling between him and his 'gang.' Jacob sighed, wishing there was another route that he could take to get to school. He really didn't want to be on the other side of the road with them.

"Oi, go cut yourself mate, you're a waste of space, no wonder your mum decided to give up fighting and decided to die." Ryan's words hit like a knife to Jacob's chest. Ryan knew his weak points, he knew how to hurt him the most.

"I already am." Jacob muttered under his breath at the 'go cut yourself' comment. If only Ryan knew what he had actually been doing for the past couple of months and how bad he had gotten. He never thought that he was a waste of space or that his mum had given up fighting and died because of him, but hearing it from someone else when he was already so low made the comments seem true. He was abruptly woken from his thoughts when he heard the beeping of the traffic lights go off. Luckily Ryan and his 'gang' had gone.

The rest of the walk to school was depressing, Jacob kept trying to hold back the tears as much as he could, it was too late to walk home and he knew he had to go to school or Cameron and Luna would come looking for him and he knew that they were dealing with enough and didn't want to stress them out even further. Slowly, tears began to drip down his face and in an effort to get rid of them without anyone noticing, he bunched up the end of his sleeve on his left hand and began dabbing at the tears that were starting to fall.

Jacob took a deep sigh as he approached the school doors, luckily, he couldn't see Ryan and his 'gang' through the glass windows so he opened the door and stepped inside. Because he was wearing all black many people didn't notice him which was good. He continued walking and sat at the regular table that Cameron and Luna sat at and prayed that they would turn up to school soon. Once he sat down he folded his arms, placed them on the table and then rested his head on his arms, closing his eyes.

"Hey, mates look, it's that depressed emo kid again." Ryan teased walking up to the table and placing his hands quite close to Jacob's head in a menacing way. Jacob looked up and slightly rolled his eyes. He began to pick up his back and get up when one of Ryan's 'gang' members pushed him back into his seat by his shoulder.

"So, how's life?" Ryan questioned, Jacob didn't want to answer this, he knew that whatever he would say Ryan would come out with a horrible remark and he didn't want to hear any more of the harmful words that were going to come out of Ryan's mouth.

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