Chapter Fourteen

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It was about two weeks after Jacob died that Luna had received a message from Lottie's parents that it was her funeral in a couple of days and that she was invited to come. Luna nodded gratefully at Mr and Mrs Carr before she walked away from the school and back to her house. She had been given a white envelope that was decorated with embossed flowers in a chain around the front of the envelope. Mr and Mrs Carr were very detail orientated, which is why Luna expected nothing less when she received the envelope from them. Luna held the envelope the whole way back to her house, every now and then briefly running her fingers over the embossed flowers. As she walked along she noticed that it was starting to get warmer outside and the sun was starting to glisten off the buildings and cars. Spring was finally coming.

Once she had stepped inside her house and taken off her shoes she went and sat on the brown sofa. Taking deep breaths, she looked at the envelope properly for the first time since she had been handed it. She swallowed harshly, it suddenly hit her that this was an invitation for her best friends' funeral. It used to be envelopes with invitations inside to little kiddie birthday parties. Suddenly, Luna was reliving all the parties and best times she had had with Lottie and almost broke down in tears. Carefully, Luna looked down at the envelope and in nice neat fancy handwriting was her name. She then turned the envelope over to open it and saw a red tack that was very sophisticated and was holding the envelope shut. Slowly, Luna peeled away the red tack and pulled out the invitation. The invitation was on a small white card with red roses dotted in the corner with pink detailing connecting each rose together. Luna took a deep breath before reading the invitation.

Dear Luna

We would be honoured if you could attend Lottie's funeral on Wednesday 15th April. Feel free to write a speech, we would be delighted to hear you say some words about Lottie.

Love; Mr & Mrs Carr.

Luna scanned over the note many times, she would love to write a speech for her best friend but she didn't know where to start. She would also probably end up crying which is why she didn't really want to stand in front of everyone and talk so intimately about her best friend, when she might of not wanted Luna to say the things she did. Luna placed the invitation on the coffee table and went over to her dining table where there were coloured pens and paper placed neatly at the end. Luna pulled out a chair, grabbed a pen and begun twiddling it around in her fingers whilst she thought of everything she would want to say to her friend and what she knew Lottie wouldn't mind others knowing.

It was about two hours later and the sun had gone down and once again Luna was left in the dark seeing as her mum had forgotten to put money on their electricity meter. Luna read over her note one more time before going back over to the envelope of the invitation and slipping both inside before heading upstairs to take a relaxing bath bomb bath and get ready for bed.

2 weeks later...

Luna woke up at seven thirty on the Wednesday morning. She bolted straight up from her bed and sat there, instantly feeling anxious and worried for the first time since her friend had died. Her mum was home and knew what was happening and she had promised to be on her best behaviour whilst Luna went through this. Her mum was also invited but didn't decide to go as she thought it would be disrespectful as she was probably still hungover from three nights ago, and didn't want to ruin the funeral, although she did ask Luna to give Mr & Mrs Carr her condolences.

Luna hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen to see her mum sitting there eating a bowl of Cheerio's.

"How are you feeling this morning sweetheart?" Her mum asked soothingly seeing that Luna was quite agitated and anxious about the whole situation. Luna gulped, her mum was right, these were the emotions that she was experiencing.

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