Chapter Seven

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Luna, Cameron and Jacob all got on the next bus possible and headed straight to the hospital. The bus journey there was the worst. Luna was starting to feel like she was going to throw up with how anxious she was and Cameron and Jacob sat in silence every now and then trying to reassure Luna. When they finally arrived at the hospital they all climbed of the bus, thanking the driver as they went.

Luna hurried ahead of both of them, desperately wanting to see her friend. She went up to the approachable looking woman at the front desk.

"Excuse me?" The woman looked up, Luna could see from her name badge that she was called Sarah.

"Hi, erm, my friend was put in here yesterday, I have a text message saying that she is in a critical condition. Can I see her?"

"What's your friends name?" The woman asked. Luna gave her the details and the receptionist typed up the name on her computer.
"Everything seems fine. You can go and see her." Luna nodded and thanked the woman for her help and they all walked to Ward Thirteen. When they approached Lottie, they noticed that she was asleep and looked like she was heavily sedated on drugs. Tears began to form in Luna's eyes. She went and sat down on the old brown chair next to Lottie's bed and grabbed her hand that luckily didn't have any wires in it.

"Please survive, please get better, I can't lose you Lottie. You have done so much for me. You have been like family to me, hell, you are my family! If it wasn't for you, I would have killed myself months ago! Lottie, if you go, I don't know what I'd do." Tears were now streaming down Luna's face, she looked a mess, but at this point, she didn't care.
"Please don't die Lottie!" Luna almost screamed hugging her best friend tightly. Cameron came over and tapped her on the back lightly giving her comfort. Luna then turned around and hugged Cameron, tears still pouring from her eyes.

"Hello again guys." Carrie said walking up to them with what Jacob presumed was more drugs. Carrie then began pouring the drugs into the tubes that were in Lottie's hands.

"Will she be okay?" Luna asked nervously, looking at her lifeless looking friend.

"We can't be certain for sure, we are doing our best to keep her alive. What we do know though is that she has around two more weeks left to live, that's if she doesn't start recovering though, which by the looks of things, that looks like the case." Luna just nodded and waited for the nurse to leave.

Luna then slumped back down into the chair next to the bed and continued holding her friends hand. She began wondering whether Lottie even knew who she was anymore, or whether she knew that her friends had come to see her, or even if she saw the note saying that they were there. Suddenly Luna started hearing grumbling noises from Lottie.

"Lottie! Lottie! Wake up, say something, anything, please?" Luna pleaded trying to encourage her friend. Slowly, Luna noticed Lottie's eyes beginning to peel open.

"Luna?" Lottie questioned. Luna jumped up immediately hugging her best friend. As she hugged her best friend tears began to pour from her eyes, it's been two days since her friend had woken up.

"Lottie?" Luna questioned back moving away to look in her friend's eyes. As she looked in her friend's eyes, she noticed that they were clouded over, almost misty and dead.
"How are you feeling?" She asked, moving to on the bed. As she did Cameron and Jacob sat next to each other on the oversized brown chair.

"I think I'm doing okay, I don't feel that bad now, do you know when I can leave?" This broke Luna's heart, she could hear how desperate Lottie was just to leave this place and how dead she looked just lying in the hospital bed.

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