Chapter Six

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It was about two hours later since Lottie had been put into hospital. Luna sat in main reception still looking stunned from the earlier events. Cameron and Jacob had now turned up and were sat next to Luna, all with tears in their eyes. Jacob turned to face Luna.

"She'll be okay; it can't be that bad." Jacob said whilst placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Luna smiled meekly, she knew that all Jacob was trying to do was cheer her up. In the distance, there was a sound of high heels coming towards them. They all looked up to see a smartly dressed woman with short brown hair coming towards them. As she approached them she gave a small smile.

"Hello, I'm Carrie." As she introduced herself to Luna, Cameron and Jacob, they all stood up.
"I will be Lottie's main nurse, so you will be seeing me a lot and if you have any questions, ask me."

"How is she?" Luna asked feeling her eyes well up with tears again.

"She is fine, for now, we have managed to stop the bleeding and she has had to have stitches. However, she has suffered some serious brain damage and we don't know whether she will remember you or even know where she is." The women said giving it to them straight. It was easier that way than just trying to sugar coat it.

"Erm, can we see her?" Asked Cameron looking hopefully into the woman's eyes. The woman nodded leading them all into the ward which Lottie was on. As they walked into the thirteenth ward they saw young teenagers all laying in hospital beds with needles in their hands and wires connecting them to machines, all trying to keep them alive. All the teenagers looked around, terrified at the scene before them, it looked like something out of a horror movie at how many teenagers where in here, Luna wondered what all their personal stories were.

"Just shout if you need me." Carrie kindly said to the three teenagers as she left them alone with Lottie. Luna went and sat in the chair next to Lottie's bed and grabbed her hand.

"I am so sorry about what my dad done to you, you do not deserve this, it should have been me, he shouldn't have hit you, he should have hit me!" Luna's voice got progressively louder as she got more and more angry at her dad but also herself.

"Hey, hey, hey." Cameron reassuringly said crouching down next to Luna and holding her other hand.
"This is not your fault! This is your dad's fault, do not blame yourself for what your dad has done." Luna looked into Cameron's eyes gratefully, she guessed he was right. As they all continued to stand and quietly talk between themselves whilst they waited by Lottie's bedside in case she woke up, Jacob looked around at the ward, this was horrible! He then reached down and slowly rolled up his grey hoodie's sleeves and ran his thumb over one of his scabs. He did not want to end up here, he didn't want to die.

Three hours passed and Lottie had still not woken, Luna was starting to get worried. Suddenly they saw the nurse walk over to them.
"I am afraid to say that visiting times are now over, we must tell you to leave." Luna looked at the nurse and gave her an acknowledging smile.

"Okay, we'll be out in a minute." The nurse smiled and walked away, letting the friends say goodbye. Then Luna spotted a napkin on Lottie's bedside table where her uneaten sandwiches were, she grabbed the napkin and opened her bag to get a pen. On the napkin, she scribbled a note for Lottie, she wanted Lottie to know that they were all there when she wakes up, she didn't want Lottie to feel as if everyone had abandoned her. After Luna had hugged her friend they all left the hospital.

As they were all walking back to Cameron's car, Luna was looking down, trying to avoid anyone who might see a tear fall from her eye or notice the sadness in them. Cameron glanced over to Luna and saw this, he decided to let her be for the minute and give her space. Once they reached Cameron's black Mini they all climbed in with Luna in the front and Jacob in the back. Luna leaned straight against the door and looked out the window, wishing Cameron would hurry up and drive so she could get home and cry without anyone around to see or hear her. Cameron then gently placed his hand or Luna's knee. Luna looked and then looked up at Cameron as if asking him not to ask her anything, he understood this and drove them all home.

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