Chapter Two

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As Luna approached the top of the carpark, she froze. She could see a boy, who didn't look much older than her balancing on the white chalky wall around the carpark, the wind lashing him, making his hair sway and his clothes move in the wind. Luna watched, horrified of what she was about to witness. She slowly inched closer, when she heard the boy take a deep breath in. Instantly, Luna shouted.

"NO!" A loud scream came from behind him. Cameron refused to look behind because if he did he knew he would fall. Luna ran over to the boy and gently touched his hand. The boy immediately flinched before intertwining their fingers. Luna slowly helped the trembling boy down. He looked at Luna and immediately knew that she was the girl who he'd seen in the corridor, and Luna instantly knew it was the guy she had seen in the corridor. Cameron began to cry tears flowing down his cheeks and onto Luna's shoulder. Luna held him tight rocking him from side to side trying to calm him down.

"Why'd you save me?" Cameron asked breaking away from the hug and looking at the beautiful girl before him, rubbing his eyes.

"I can't just let you kill yourself!" Luna protested. Cameron pulled her in for another hug. He had never realised how good it felt for someone else to know his issues.

"But you don't even know me." Cameron stated turning around to sit against the chalky wall. Luna walked over and went and joined him.

"I don't care if I don't know the person's life who I've just saved. I couldn't just stand on the street and watch someone jump, that would break my heart!" Luna protested looking at Cameron. She heard Cameron sigh.

"So, what are you doing out here alone at quarter to ten?" Cameron enquired. Luna shrugged.

"Just walking, running, saving people's lives." Cameron giggled at the last bit making Luna giggle slightly as well. Even though she laughs with Lottie, she felt as if this laugh was real. Even though she had just met Cameron she felt like she had known him for years.

"Hey, what's your name?" Cameron asked.

"Luna." Luna stated. Cameron just gazed into Luna's perfect blue eyes which were glazed like newly cut class.

"That's such a nice name, my names Cameron." Cameron said holding out a hand for Luna to shake. Luna took his hand and gave it a shake.

"Look, I know we've just met, but I want to ask you something?" Luna said turning slightly to see Cameron's face. This is not what Cameron wanted, he did not want Luna to enquire about what he was going to do. Cameron nodded, dread building in the pit of his stomach. "Why were you about to jump?" Cameron sighed.

"I don't wanna talk about it." He said as he pushed his hands into the gravelled carpark floor, starting to walk away.

"Wait!" Luna called getting up and grabbing his wrist. "Please tell me, I know how you feel, I just want to know what made you feel like this." Cameron turned around confusion and concern written all over his face.

"You what!" Cameron almost shouted gripping Luna's shoulder with his free hand. Luna looked to the side so she didn't have to look Cameron in the eye. "No, no, no! You can't say that and then ignore me." Luna let out a loud sigh, dropping his wrist and wriggling free from the grip on her shoulder. Luna walked back over to the concrete wall and rested her hands on it looking down at the street lights and cars going past and the beautiful sunset making it seem like a fairy tale. Cameron went over to Luna and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Tell me what you meant by you know how I feel." He said gently pulling her closer to his side. Luna shook her head and broke free from his grip once again.

"No, this is about you, not me."

"Tell me what you meant and then I'll tell you why." Luna turned to face Cameron, was he serious? This was so unfair. Luna sighed.

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