Chapter Twenty

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The minute that the removal truck had loaded the two cars onto the truck, the police officers very kindly drove to 'United Medical Centre.'

"Thank you." Luna said thankfully as she hoped out of the car and walked into the hospital. Luna sighed, she didn't think she's be back here so soon after Lottie's death. Maybe everything good in life is just meant to shatter? She thought to herself. Luna took a deep breath as she walked up to the receptionist desk.

"Hello, my b-friend is here." Luna said, suddenly feeling panic start to bubble inside her stomach.

"What's their name?" The lovely receptionist said, Luna looked at her name badge and saw that her name was Denise.

"Cameron." Luna replied, her fingers lightly tapping at the front desk as her anxiety built in the pit of her stomach.

"Oh, yes, he arrived an hour ago, he's on ward sixteen." Luna nodded and hurried off down the corridor. Luna saw a sign on the white, turning yellow walls that said, 'Ward fourteen to twenty-two.' Luna pushed open the door and took the stairs two at a time, almost bashing into a nurse who was coming down the stairs. Luna continued walking until she found war sixteen, she poked her head around the door and saw Cameron lying in his hospital bed, she walked over, clutching her hands near her heart as she bent down next to his bed, looking at him. She then saw his chair next to his bed and dragged it closer to the bed. Once sat on the chair she placed her hand on top of his hand that didn't have a needle stuck in it.

"I'm so sorry." Luna whispered, not wanting the two other people on the ward to hear her, even though they both had headphones in. Luna's eyes started leaking, with her other hand she tried to wipe the falling tears, but they were falling quicker than she could wipe them away. Luna could hear the beeping of his heart machine and saw the beats, Luna let out a small sigh, seeing his heart beat monitor, made her feel reassured that he was still alive and breathing. Luna sat with Cameron for the next two hours, just looking at him and holding his hand, wishing he would wake up so she could say sorry to him. Then, doubt started kicking in, if he knew it was her, would he still love her, would he want her to be there, would he be angry. Luna clutched his hand a little tighter, as if that was meant to help. Luna was so lost in thought that she almost didn't notice the nurse come over and tell her to leave as visiting times were now over. Luna nodded and watched as the nurse walked away. She got off the chair and kissed Cameron on the forehead.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered as she left. Tears still streaming down her face.

Luna visited the hospital for the next two days, but nothing had happened, she had sat at the hospital all day waiting for him to wake up. On the second day, Cameron's mum showed up as she was sat there clutching his hand.

"Luna!" Cameron's mum said, almost sounding shocked to see her siting there.

"Rebecca!" Luna said, standing up, walking over to her to give her a hug.

"What happened to my baby!" Rebecca said, sitting down on the chair that Luna had been sitting in and taking Cameron's hand.

"I'm so sorry Rebecca." Luna said quietly, but loud enough that she heard.

"This was your fault?!" Rebecca turned around to look at Luna.

"I'm sorry." Luna said again, feeling even worse than she already did, looking down at her feet so she didn't have to look Rebecca in the eyes.

"How could you be so stupid, you've now increased my little baby boy's chance of death and now he might leave this world sooner than he was meant to because of you and your foolish actions!" Rebecca's voice got increasingly louder, and Luna started to back away into the corner, worried about what might happen next.

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