Chapter Twenty One

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The next morning, a nurse came over to her bed once she was awake and helped her walk to the councillors' office since she was still struggling to walk because of her wounded leg. Luna said, "thank you" to the nurse as she left Luna outside the councillors' office as she knocked on the door. A tall man answered the door. He had black hair with a beard and a moustache. He was wearing a black blazer with a white shirt on, black suit trousers and black shoes.

"Hello, I'm Aiden." The man said reaching out his hand to shake Luna's hand. Luna then followed Aiden into the office. She looked around. The room was painted a light beige colour, there was a fireplace at the back of the room with bookcase's either side of the fireplace. There was a grey 'L' shaped sofa by the window on the left of the room, there was also a grey arm chair facing the sofa. There was a little brown circular coffee table in front of the sofa and the armchair that had two glasses of water on it.

"Please, take a seat." Aiden suggested, raising his arm slightly as if to direct Luna to the sofa. Luna went and took a seat on the sofa.

"So, how are you this morning Luna?" Aiden asked softly. Luna just sat looking around the office, the question not even registering with her. She felt as if she was still dreaming, she wasn't sat in the councillors' office, Cameron wasn't currently dead. Suddenly, she heard a click of fingers.
"Luna, are you okay?" Aiden asked the question again, this time Luna looked directly into Aiden's piercing blue eyes.

"I'm fine." Luna lied through her teeth. She hoped that Aiden could not see the pain in her eyes. She was wrong.

"Luna, I can tell that you are not okay, I can see that pain and sadness in your eyes. I am here to talk, whatever you tell me will not leave this room, okay?" Luna nodded, not sure why she was even at the councillors' office, and she didn't even really want to talk at all, especially to a stranger about her problems.
"So, anything you want to talk about?" Aiden asked again. Luna shook her head.

"No, I don't really want to talk to anyone about it right now, I just want to sit and think." Aiden nodded.

"I understand that, well, did you want to sit here, or you can go somewhere else if you want to be alone?" Aiden suggested.

"I kind of just want to go home." Luna said, her voice suddenly sounding very sad. Aiden realised this and lead Luna out of his office.

"Here, I'll take you to the front desk, and see whether you can go home yet?" Aiden offered. Luna started following Aiden down the corridors, as she walked past different wards, she could hear faint whispering and she could smell the medical supplies, Luna felt like she could taste the medical supplies.

"Hi, I have Luna here, is she okay to be checked out?" Aiden asked the lady at the front desk. The lady nodded, Luna noted the grumpy expression on her face. She clicked away and then looked back up at Aiden.

"Yes, she is free to go. I just need to give her these tablets." The woman reached under the desk and bought out a white package, then reaching over to hand it to Luna.
"These are anti-depressants, take one each day." Luna scrunched up her face, they had given her anti-depressants and she hadn't even been told she had depression, she always thought that she had since her parents had split but she'd never been clinically diagnosed.

After receiving the package from the receptionist, Luna strolled out of the hospital. Taking a seat on the closest bench to the doors. She took a deep breath in and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes again she looked around the moving world, the cars going by, the people in tears walking into the hospital, the people being carried into the hospital, people with smiles, the people talking. Luna then realised how strange but oddly comforting the hospital was. It was a place where everyone has their own story, some are enjoying their story right now, others might not be. When Luna had finished contemplating the world, she got on the first bus back to Fernworth.

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