Chapter Twenty Three

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It had been a week since Luna had been thrown into this hell. She hated it, every day was the same, she'd wake up at eight, have her breakfast, have a shower, sit in her room for a few hours, staring at the walls, then she'd have lunch, go and sit by herself in the field, then go into the 'chill room' then dinner, then bed. This was her routine, she hated it, she felt so isolated and lonely. She'd had one therapy session since she'd been here and it didn't help her one bit. It just made her wonder why she was actually in here, and that she felt that she really didn't need to be. It was another therapy day for Luna today, so at 13:30, she went to the councilors' office (the one place Scott had 'forgotten' to show her.) She knocked on the door to the office and she heard a deep voice through the door.

"Come in." Apprehensively, Luna pushed open the brown door with frosted glass windows and entered the office. The skinny councillor then stood up and went to shake Luna's hand.

"Hello again Luna, have a seat." The man said gesturing to the grey chair that was placed in the room.
"How are you today?" He asked as Luna sat down.

"Hello . Sad." Luna admitted. Luna had never been good at saying her feelings and emotions but she was told in her last meeting to not be afraid to say what was happening in her mind, and today she was going to tell the truth, not just lie and say she's fine which is what she had done for a while.

"And tell me why you're sad Luna?" Mr. Geoffroy asked, leaning forward slightly with his legs crossed and his clipboard and paper resting on top.

"I hate it here, no one talks to me. I don't see why I'm in here. I feel like I'm just getting worse, I just want to leave." Mr. Geoffroy leaned back in his seat to jot down some notes and nodded his head.

"I understand this Luna, but have you tried talking to any of the others?" He asked. Luna's eyes drifted downwards, how could she expect anyone to talk to her if she's not even trying. Luna shook her head. Mr. Geoffroy then clicked this tongue.

"I think for this week Luna, you need to try and talk to people, it might make your experience here a lot more enjoyable. Have you also considered doing the arts and crafts? A lot of people who are in the same position as you have done these classes and have said that it helps them, not many people show up so it's a perfect chance to talk to someone new." Luna raised her eyebrows at this, it sounded like an idea, but she doubts that she would go.

"I'll try it." Luna responded. Mr. Geoffroy nodded and continued to write on his notepad. The session continued for the next hour where Luna slowly began to explain why she was in here and how to stop grieving for her friends. Mr. Geoffroy gave Luna tips on what to do and to make the pain a little bit more bearable. After the end of the session Luna left and went to the games room. She was going to borrow a DS and play Mario Kart and see if anyone else would want to play with her. There were only two girls and three boys in there when she arrived. The girls were playing the PlayStation together, and the two boys were playing DS.

"Hi, I would like to book out a DS please." Luna asked. Marie nodded and handed her a DS Lite.

"Sorry sweetie, what's your name?"

"Luna Murray." Luna replied.
"Can I also borrow the game Mario Kart." Marie nodded and handed her the game cartridge.

"Have fun!" Marie exclaimed, Luna smiled slightly. The first time that she had smiled since she had arrived in this place. Luna then went and sat on one of the bean bags that was placed in the corner of the room and loaded up the DS. Before Luna knew it, she had been playing the DS for three hours and it was almost dinner time. Luna placed the DS down on her lap and rubbed her eyes, she felt extremely tired and drained from playing Mario Kart for three hours straight. Luna handed the DS back and decided to go for dinner.

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