Chapter Fifteen

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It was a Monday morning again and Cameron was slowly feeling himself slipping away, he was getting more tired, his body felt weak, he didn't know how much longer until he died. He didn't want to die though, after meeting Luna seven months ago, he had felt the happiest he had felt in a long time and now the thought of dying and leaving Luna upset him, not just because he would lose Luna but also because Luna had no one if he died. There was suddenly a faint knock on his door before his mum walked in. Cameron looked at her sickly frame, he could see that she was getting worse, she tried hiding it by wearing big jumpers and regular fitting jeans, but by wearing clothes like this, it made her look like she was drowning in clothes. Her skin was becoming grey and he was worried for her.

"Come on Cameron, time to get up for school." She said walking over to the edge of his bed and sitting down on it patting his hair gently and moving the few stray hairs that were on his forehead back into his hair.

"Mum?" Cameron questioned, worrying about how his mum would take his next sentence. His mum moved her hand and looked at him with a scared expression on her face.

"I feel weak and tired, I'm scared mum." Cameron admitted, finally breaking down as he had been hiding it for months. Tears now streaming down his face, arms wrapped around his fragile mum as he hugged her. His mum did not know what to say so resorted to just running her hand up and down his back in a soothing manner.

"Do you feel well enough to go into school today? You know what the school are like, the minute you start feeling rough and weak, they don't mind you having excessive days off." His mum stated, trying to reassure him that it would be okay to stay off school and he didn't need to worry about his attendance.

"I want to go into school though mum." Cameron sighed whilst saying the sentence because he knew his mum would probably not be happy about this. His mum just looked at him with a puzzled face.

"Why, Cameron?" His mum asked, confusion lacing her voice.

"Because, I love seeing Luna, and she needs me mum and I need her, we've both lost our best friends and now we only have each other." Cameron replied. His mum looked at him and then sighed.

"Well, I guess I can't stop you from going to school, and if you feel well enough anyway, you should go in. But promise me that if you feel rough and school you come straight home?" His mum said sternly. Cameron nodded, understanding that his mum just wanted the best for him.

Half an hour later Cameron made it into school. He got dropped off in the carpark opposite the school and just walking from there to school made him lose lots of his energy. Luckily as he got in though he saw Luna sat at their regular table engrossed into her phone.

"Hey, how are you?" Cameron tried to say normally but he was so out of breath and energy it came out more like a pant. Luna looked confused and looked up at Cameron as he took a seat next to her.

"Erm, I'm okay." Luna said, still concerned about Cameron.

"Cameron, are you okay?" Luna asked, keeping her eyes on Cameron. Cameron looked back at her and nodded his head. Luna just took that as a yes and didn't want to push it any further in case Cameron didn't want to talk about it.

The bell finally rang for class and Luna and Cameron got up from their seats and walked their separate ways, Luna going off to the Science block and Cameron going off to the English block. Cameron went into the classroom and sat down at his designated seat and began pulling out his notepad and text book for today's lesson. He secretly hoped that his teacher wouldn't be in and that he would have a supply because due to the last incident he had with his teacher, he didn't really want to see her again. Unfortunately, to Cameron's dismay, his teacher strutted into the classroom, her brown hair pushed hair on to the top of her head in a bun. She was wearing a red blouse with a black blazer, black long skirt and some small black high heels. Cameron sighed to himself, it was going to be an hour of torture.

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