Chapter Eight

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To: Cameron
Hey, I'm not coming to school today, can't face it

To: Luna

It's okay, I totally understand, what are you going to do instead?

To: Cameron

Probably lay in bed crying

To: Luna

Fair enough. Can I come round after school?

To: Cameron

Yeah, I guess so

To: Luna

Okay, see you later

Cameron then slipped his phone back into his pocket and looked up to see the bustling of people walking around the school. As he evaluated the other students he thought that they may look happy but on this inside they might be just as depressed and suicidal just like him. The thing about depression is that no one can see it, it's a mental illness. It's not easy to tell that something is wrong unlike a person with a cold or a broken leg. People just keep their emotions and feelings inside and don't let it out to anyone and let in manifest away at their brain until they are convinced they can do no good and are worthless. He was suddenly awoken from his thoughts when Jacob came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, how's Luna?" Jacob asked sincerely, even to Jacob, Cameron didn't look right, he had black circles under his eyes, obviously from lack of sleep. His hair looked unkempt and he looked very confused.

There was a lump in Cameron's throat as he tried to talk.
"I think she is okay." Cameron replied very bluntly. He honestly wasn't sure what to say, was he meant to say that Luna just planned to cry in her bed all day? Was he meant to let Jacob know that he was very upset as well, not just because he had lost a friend but also because Luna had lost her best friend.

There was suddenly a piercing ringing throughout the school letting everyone know that lessons had begun. Cameron and Jacob said goodbye to each other and went their separate ways to their own classes.

Cameron tried to avoid everyone he walked past, he tried putting on a fake smile so he didn't get questioned, he tried to look as less depressed as possible but some other students still managed to clock on and tried asking him what was wrong. It didn't really matter in the first place, they weren't his friends, there were just curious, would they even miss him if he had killed himself? Probably not. Plus, he was not going to be the person who told some other nosey student what had happened and make Luna even more upset, it was best if it stayed within their friendship group.

Cameron soon got to his English class. He stood outside for a couple of seconds before taking a deep breath and opening the door. Immediately he felt as if all eyes were on him, staring at him. He could feel the teacher's eyes burning into his soul, judging him for everything that he was doing. He felt as if the other students knew what had happened and were all laughing at him behind his back.

Cameron choked on the air slightly as he went to apologise but the teacher gave him a stern look and he hurried to the front of his class where he sat. The teacher continued teaching the class and every now and then would glance over at Cameron to make sure that he was listening. Cameron didn't understand why the teacher was being so mean to him, he was having a bad day already, he really didn't want to be at school but he didn't want to be with his mum either because it would be just as depressing. He just wanted to be with Luna and make her feel better so it would at least make him feel less depressed, if only for a few minutes.

"Cameron!" The teacher bellowed at him. Cameron abruptly jumped out of his daydream and looked the teacher in the eyes. The brown haired, female teacher strutted over to him and crossed her arms over her body with her eyes looking down at Cameron making him feel weak and intimidated.

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