Chapter Five

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"Where are you?" Luna asked down the phone to her best friend Lottie. In the background Luna could hear a lot of scrambling around and picking up things that were then being chucked across the room.

"Erm.... Oh, I'm just grabbing clothes." Lottie panted into the phone. It sounded like she had just ran a marathon. Luna giggled slightly on the other end of the phone.

"Come on!" Luna called down the phone. It was a Saturday and Luna, Lottie, Cameron and Jacob had all decided to go out in the morning to This & That Barista, their local coffee shop and see where the day went from there. So far Luna had been the only one to turn up at ten O'clock, their original meeting time. Everyone else was nearly half an hour late.

"Right, let me go and I'll be there in ten minutes." Lottie promised as she hung up the phone on Luna. Lottie chucked her phone onto her bed and quickly pulled off her pyjama bottoms and pulling on some black skinny jeans and then swapping her pyjama top for a white Nike crop top. After sorting out her clothes she hurriedly put on some makeup, brushed her hair and dashed downstairs to slip on her black Nike running shoes. As she grabbed her front door keys, she realised she hadn't grabbed a bag or her phone. Once she had finished grabbing everything she ran back downstairs and out the front door.

When Lottie finally arrived in town she could see that people were still bustling around heading to their offices, college students were walking through with their textbooks and Lottie was so glad that she didn't have to go to college on weekends. When she reached This & That Barista Luna was sat outside browsing Twitter on her phone. Lottie looked around to see that Cameron or Jacob still hadn't arrived yet. Lottie went up and tapped Luna on the shoulder. Abruptly Luna turned around in fright ready to punch whoever had just touched her. Lottie giggled at Luna's defence mechanism.

"Hey, you scared me!" Luna protested kicking her friend lightly in the shin as she sat on the chair opposite her.

"Where's Cameron and Jacob?" Lottie asked. Luna just shrugged and turned around putting her hand in front of her forehead shielding the sun from her eyes as she squinted into the distance to see if they were actually coming. Luna turned back around and sighed returning to scrolling through Twitter.

"I see you haven't ordered anything." Lottie said, trying to make conversation even though she was pretty sure that Luna was slightly angry at her for turning up late.

"Well, I didn't want to order anything if you guys were not gonna be here." Luna protested briefly looking up from her phone. Then Luna heard familiar voices coming from behind her. Luna turned around and saw Cameron and Jacob walking towards them. Cameron was wearing a dark blue polo top with black skinny jeans and black vans. Jacob was wearing a plain black top with a black hoodie over the top with white jeans and black converse.

"Hey." Cameron said as himself and Jacob arrived, both taking their seats. Cameron glanced at Luna to see that she had barely smiled when they arrived. Cameron looked at Lottie as if to ask why she was angry. Lottie just shrugged.

"What's wrong?" Cameron asked looking at Luna. Luna placed her phone on the table and looked at all three of them.

"You were all late!" She exclaimed, shouting just a little too loudly which ended up making passer-by's and other people also sitting outside look at her. Luna's face flushed red.

"I'm sorry." Cameron said seeing how annoyed Luna was that they were all late. He slumped slightly in his seat feeling really bad. Luna noticed this, how everyone looked slightly guilty.

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that! Can we just order something and forget this happened?" Luna asked politely. Everyone shared a look with each other and like magic everyone was talking again as if nothing had just happened.

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