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My plane just touched down in Forks Washington so now I am shoving my way through the crowded airport looking for my dad who should be holding a sign

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My plane just touched down in Forks Washington so now I am shoving my way through the crowded airport looking for my dad who should be holding a sign. Finally after 3 minuets I spot my dad and Bella holding a sign that reads. "Welcome home Cosette!" I smile at them and run up to dad hugging him tightly. "I missed you dad." I say to him as I hug him. He hugs me back and says. "I missed you too kiddo." We break apart and I ask dad. "How have you been?" He smiles softly and replies. "I've been good kiddo." I hug him again and then turn to hug Bella but see that she's already gone. Sighing in frustration dad and I leave to find his cruiser. When we finally find it Bella is there leaning against the front of the car. "Really Bella?" I ask her she just rolls her eyes and shrugs her shoulders. We then all get into dads cruiser and drive home. When we arrive at the house Bella is all too eager to get out of the car and get into her rusty piece of junk. "I'm going to see Jacob dad I'll be back later." Then she leaves. "Has she always been that disrespectful?" I ask dad he cracks a smile and then we head inside the house. Dad shows me to my room and leaves to let me adjust. I start school tomorrow and seeing at how it's now 8:00 by the time I finish unpacking I decide to head to bed. Not before saying goodnight to dad. "I'm going to bed dad, goodnight love you." I don't get a reply so I assume he's already asleep in his recliner. Chuckling at that thought I climb into my warm bed and snuggle in.
The next morning I wake up extremely groggy because jet lag is a bitch. I slowly get out of my warm bed and am greeted by the cold morning air. I must have left my window open last night. I think to myself as I shut it. Then I hop in the shower and wash my hair and body. Turning off the water I step out of the shower and stretch causing my back to pop. Sighing in satisfaction I get dressed and grab my book bag. Then I walk downstairs and am greeted by Bella making out with some guy. I clear my throat but they don't seem to hear me. I roll my eyes and grab an apple then head out the door to my motorcycle Which thankfully I shipped a week prior to my arrival. Hopping on my bike I pull out of dads driveway and head to Forks High school. When I arrive i hear the mutters start. Rolling my eyes I then walk towards the front office but suddenly stop when I see Bella's loud truck pull up. She gets out of her truck and walks straight past me as if I wasn't even there. Sighing angrily I continue my way to the front office and grab my schedule. Thanking the lady at the desk I walk to my first class, biology.


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