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As soon as the final bell rang signaling school was over I rushed outside ready to go home to a warm bed

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As soon as the final bell rang signaling school was over I rushed outside ready to go home to a warm bed. However Bella was not yet outside then I noticed neither was Edward but all of the other Cullen's were. Glancing over I see Alice with an angry expression etched across her face. Then it dawns on me Bella's late so is Edward and Alice is angry. While I trust Edward I don't trust Bella so I quickly head back inside and begin looking for Edward. When I find him I also find Bella like I had guessed. Bella was speaking to Edward loudly. "You love me Edward don't you remember!" She exclaims. "Yes and I thought you loved me but instead you cheated on me with a mutt!" He yells and I see Bella flinch but she continues. "You clearly still love me Edward why else would you date my sister?" They both still are unaware I'm there so I stay hidden. "I don't love you and honestly I never really did. All you were to me was an obsession." Anger flashes through Bella's eyes then she does something I did not expect. She kisses Edward and he immediately pushes her away. "Bella I don't love you anymore." He says sternly and Bella frowns. "You think dating my sister is smart?! What if you hurt her huh? You told me yourself.. your dangerous. Your a monster." Edward just stares at her unable to speak I suppose and as much as I want to speak for him I can't. While I do not believe he's a monster he believes he is and if I were to come to his defense I think it'd make him feel worse. So I decide to quit ease dropping and As I exit the school I notice the Cullens are gone. Then Looking at Bella's truck I immediately don't want to get in not after she kissed Edward and you know the fact her truck is a machine of death. So I instead begin to walk home, I make it less than 5 feet before Edwards silver Volvo pulls up beside me. He rolls down his window and I can see somethings troubling him. He gestured for me to get in his car so I do. Even though he can never get cold when I get into his car I am blasted with warm air. "Alice said you'd be cold." He says not looking at me. "Thank her for me." I say smiling and he just nods his head. I stare at the side of his face for a moment then ask. "What's troubling you love?"
"I'm not good for you Cosette." He answers.
I am utterly shocked that my sisters words got to him so I ask him. "What the hell does that mean Edward?" He sighs. "I'm a monster Cosette I've killed people." I roll my eyes and reply. "So have I but does that make me a monster." Before he can answer me I beat him to it. "It doesn't Edward so if I'm not a monster neither are you." He turns to me and says. "You killed for your country that's different." He says. I scoff and reply. "You killed for survival so despite what you believe you are not a monster Edward Cullen. Without blood you wouldn't of survived and I wouldn't of met you." He opens his mouth then closes it. He begins to drive again and when we pull up to my house I turn to him waiting for him to say something a "see you tomorrow." Or a "I love you." Instead I hear. "Im ending this before you get hurt Cosette. It's what's best for both of us." My stare quickly turns into a glare and I quickly reply. "You're actually listening to what Bella said to you. If you believe her words then your a fool. This is exactly what's he wants Edward for us to be miserable just like she is. I know my sister and I know her selfish tactics, if you want to let her win so be it." With that I get out of the car not bothering to look at him and I head inside. When I get in I see Bella kissing Jacob. "I hope your happy Isabella what you said to Edward worked." She turns to look at me surprise written on her face. "Don't ever speak to me again Isabella because if you do I swear it will be the last thing you ever do. Do I make myself clear?" I ask my commanding officer voice ringing out. She looks at me fear and anger etched across her face but she nods none the less. As I walk upstairs a single tear falls and I glance back at Jacob who looks confused. I shoot him a look of pity and shake my head. Then with a heavy heart I go to my room and shut my door.


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