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The next day wake up and get dressed once again to go to school

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The next day wake up and get dressed once again to go to school. When I arrive there I park my motorcycle next to Edwards silver Volvo. Then I get off my bike and am greeted by Alice bringing me into a hug. I hug her back and ask her. "What's with the hugging Alice?" She chuckles and tells me. "It's my way of thanking you silly." Now I'm curious so I ask her. "What are you thanking me for?" She just releases me and smiles then walks back over to Jasper. She's a strange one I think to myself. Then I walk inside and head to my first class that I share with Edward. "Hello Cosette." Edward greets me and I simply smile at him and say. "Hello Edward, how are you today?" "I'm doing well what about you?" I smile and answer. "I'm doing well too." Throughout class I noticed Edward kept stealing glances at me and I in return stole glances at him. After class ended Edward walked me to my next class. Which was very sweet of him. I take a seat next to jasper and the entire history class we spend competing against one another. Finally the teacher stops calling on us so jasper and I talk. "So how do you know so much about history miss Swan?" I smile and smartly reply. "Well Jasper I was in the army for 7 years." He looks shocked at my statement. "You were in the army?" He asks bewildered. I nod my head. "You were as well." Again Jasper looks at me with a shocked expression. I smile and say. "Soldiers have a certain demeanor about them as I'm sure your aware and I've gotten pretty good at being able to spot that." He looks at me impressed and when class finally ends we go our separate ways bidding each other a goodbye. Finally it's lunch time and I become excited. When I sit down at the Cullen's table I notice they all are eagerly looking at me. "Is there something on my face?" Everybody chuckles. "No everyone is just curious about what you did in the army." I half smile and jokingly say. "Who isn't." We then converse about other things avoiding the subject of what I did in the army. After lunch Edward decides to walk with me to my last class. "So I take it you did some top secret things?" He says as we walk to art. "I did a few of that here and there but it was nothing too intriguing." I say vaguely and he drops the subject understanding I don't want to talk about it. When we arrive at art he stops me and asks. "Would you like to meet the rest of my family and come over Saturday?" I smile brightly and answer him. "I would love to Edward!" He laughs at my excitement and says. "Okay I'll pick you up at 11:00." I smile and say okay then we part ways. And I enter my last class.


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