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I couldn't concentrate.. my mind continued torturing me with flashes of Cosette bleeding. Her hand grasping mine as her body grew colder. If only I hadn't gotten sucked into Bella's manipulation. Then my sweet Cosette wouldn't be turning into a bloodthirsty monster.

I sat by her side until Carlisle came to pull me away. "You won't be any good when Cosette wakes up if your starving. Go hunt with Jasper and Emmet." I growl lowly as Carlisle places his hand on my shoulder. "Edward Anthony Mason Cullen do not growl at your father." I tense as Esme enter the room eyes blazing. "Cosette will be fine but you won't if you continue this. Go hunt.. Alice, Rose, and I will watch over her." Knowing better than to argue with her I reluctantly leave.

It took two deer and one mountain lion to satisfy my hunger. Slowly I felt myself calm down I hadn't realized just how much not feeding had affected me. I'll need to apologize to Carlisle and Esme. Jasper and Emmet finish their meals and we head back. As we run through the forest I hear the wolves across the treaty line. They had stayed away after the battle and were obviously not happy with us for turning Cosette.

It should have resulted in a war because the treaty was broken but the elders decided they would allow this one to slide. Maybe it was their compassion for Cosette or maybe it was simply because they did not want to loose anyone with a pointless war. After all we'd already been through one. A tug in my heart snaps me out of my thoughts. Jasper feels it too and we both look at one another realizing it's Cosette. We run as fast as we can back to the house.

By the time we arrive I hear laughter.. my beautiful Cosette's laughter. Bolting into the house nearly knocking down furniture I finally lay my eyes on her. She looks ethreal.. her skin is beautifully pale. Her face practically glows and though her eyes are red they still captivate me.

Our eyes meet and the room falls away... it's like seeing her for the first time. The love we share deepens and I can feel our bond connecting stronger than ever before. Hesitantly Cosette gets up off the bed and slowly walks to me. She places her hand on my cheek and I put my hand over hers. "Edward." She breaths out. Then we embrace in a hug which causes my sink to crack some. "A little to tight Cosette." I manage to say.

She pulls back quickly he apologizes. "Sorry."

"It's alright love.. you'll just have to be a little gentler for now." I explain smirking.

Gently Cosette cups my face and leans in to kiss me. I meet her halfway and I feel electricity course through our kiss. I pull her closer to me suddenly wanting to touch every inch of her. Before I go to far I break away leaving her confused. "I'm sorry.. the mating bond is at its strongest now that your a vampire."

She smirks and asks. "Is that why I feel the need to jump you?" Emmet booms with laughter from downstairs. I scowl. "Yes love that's exactly why." Deciding two can play at this game I gently push her against the wall and kiss her. Just as I feel her body melt into the kiss I pull back and whisper in her ear.

"Too bad you need to feed first darling." Then I quickly make my escape out of the open window and race into the woods. From a distance I hear Cosette's voice shout. "IT IS SO ON!"

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