Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
Lost In My Blood
Shawn Mendes
854 Words

***** Trigger Warning: Violence, explosions, suggestions of a threat *****

I'm playing ping pong with Sarah backstage while I wait for my set to be arranged for tonight.

It's the last day in Oceana and tour is ending really soon. I can't believe how much my life has gotten so much better during this year. It's my illuminate album and blah blah blah but it's Sarah.

My hope, peace, calm. The reason I'm going to finish this tour in the best way ever and the reason all my other tours will be great. I hope, I know she feels the same way

~ Sarah Wilson POV

Great minds think alike. That's all I gotta say. I unfortunately loose the ping pong game and then Shawn disappears to work his magic with teenage girls.

I make my pace a little more chilled out while I walk through the hallways to the set. My phone buzzes a bunch of times and I was guessing someone was sick but it was tags on all my accounts.

It's a bit out of the ordinary so I check the picture, tweet or whatever. "Doctors will risk their life for the life of others." Thats cool but why? I shrug it off as a weird fan and continue on my stroll.

Sound check and Q&A went well, no injuries! It's legitimately impressive. I go backstage and give him a pep talk before heading out to the sound control panel. Cool people there.

The raw sound of Shawn signing is heaven as a sound. Not up for debate everybody.

The main part goes well and he performs in My Blood again, which always makes me just a bit teary eyed.

I make everyone dance their way out to the cars, yknow, cardio. Plus Shawn's salsa dancing always cracks me up.

I fall asleep leaned against the window of the car and the next time I wake up is in the back of a plane. Relax guys, Just Shawn's.

I sleep super heavy which is nice most of the time. I look at the beautiful night sky from the window beside me and eventually I fall right back asleep.

Only three more shows left in the tour which is absolutely insane. It all disappeared in no time.

I wake up once we've landed and the time zone changes made it so we have to go straight to our venue. The atmosphere is so different here than in LA, not good not bad either. Just different.

I log into Instagram in the first aid office. There's a few posts in a row on my explore page about others first and protecting others etc. I'm all for it but it's a bit odd. Oh well. My pager goes off and I go do my thing. Let's save a goddamn life. Just kidding, it's probably a scrape or something.

~ Shawn Mendes POV

Sarah's been acting a bit weird, she's really focusing on helping out her patients. I'm glad she's making people feel better but it's a bit worrying.

Oh what am I saying, she's an incredible doctor. Why wouldn't she?

I shake the thought and go get my guitar for soundcheck. Sarah quickly kisses me before skipping off to her entrance doors, along the side.

The crowd is as incredible as always. They all know the lyrics! I forget them more often than they do.

I end the show as I normally and take my bow off stage. I go surprise sarah in her office, she's so easily startled it's adorable. I help her clean up before we all leave.

The next two shows go really well and right now we've been called in for a "emergency" staff meeting. I wonder what Andrew has up his sleeve this time.

"Hi everyone, sorry about the short notice. Our security team has been caught up at the border. This show will not have security but I wouldn't worry all that much. We'll have any extra people helping with admissions and the meet and greet. " he hands out schedules to a few people about where they need to be and when.

I'm not worried about this since safety has never really been an issue at any of our shows. I'll have my little superhero Sarah by my side all the time anyways.

The time for the first admissions start and we're all a tiny bit nervous. Thankfully, it all goes really well. Not a single slip up! The same goes for the Q&A and meet and greet.

I do my vocal exercises while I wait for my cue to go on. Most people have chilled out on their "security" roles by now. I get my cue and head up on stage.

The screams and cheers all remind me again of where I've been and where I will go. It comes around to the stage switch and this time Sarah's by my side instead of a security guard. I take a few steps forwards until I hear a gut wrenching explosion and someone pulling me to them.

A/N: Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment! ❤️

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