Game Changer

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When they got to their snow covered camp, they were surprised to see that it had been left untouched. However, there was a fresh set of tracks, and Logan couldn't help but growl a little when they got there. As Scott packed up, Logan slid under the jeep to look it over - his paranoia showing clearly as he looked for explosives or a sheared brake line.

"Well? We're not going to blow up?" Scott asked, leaning over to see Logan.

"No," he said as he got out from under the Jeep. "I don't think he had anything with him to use. Might actually think he finished the job too."

"If that's the case, maybe he'll leave us alone," Scott said.

"We can hope," Logan replied, brushing the snow off of his jeans before he gave Scott an appraising look. "Wanna drive to the road?" He held out the keys and just waited for his answer.

Scott couldn't help the grin that started at the corner of his mouth, though he still tried to school his features into something a bit more reserved. "Yeah - sure," he said, though his words totally obliterated his attempts to not look too excited.

Once their gear was loaded - and it took longer than Scott realized with Logan wincing and having to stop from time to time - the two of them climbed into the Jeep. It was apparent suddenly why Logan had asked him to drive when the older man simply leaned his seat back and kept a hand pressed to the ribs on his left side - eyes closed.

Scott frowned on watching him. He couldn't see any injury - and he figured that Logan had healed ... he'd looked healed anyhow. And if there was some internal damage - there would be bruising. He was frowning deeply when Logan turned his head in Scott's direction and cracked open one tired eye. "Ready when you are, Slim."

"Right. I just ..."

"Just follow the trail," Logan said. "We got enough gas that even if you find a way to get lost - we can get back out again. Though I doubt you'd get lost." He closed his eyes again and Scott watched out of the corner of his eye as Logan shifted and crossed his arms over his stomach loosely.

Scott did his best on the way out - and only nearly stalled it once as Logan coached him through the clutching process with a little smile on his face. Scott had been careful on shifting to get the clutch just right - and by the time he got them to the road, he was honestly disappointed that he had to hand over the keys.

"You can drive off road from here on out," Logan promised as they switched spots. "At least until we get you your licenses."

"Thanks," Scott said with a little grin, already looking forward to it. "I'll probably get the one for the Jeep before flying, though."

"Why?" Logan asked. "You can start training for the flight one this summer."

"If we haven't moved again," Scott pointed out. "That Creed guy - you said he might be able to find the cabin."

"Yeah, but I'm not letting that jackass drive me off. And the flight hours you log in count no matter where you are," Logan pointed out. "I asked Harry."

Scott didn't look surprised that Logan had considered how to get him his license even if they had to move, the guy was thinking of everything. "I guess we'll just have to see if we're close enough to Harry," Scott said with a shrug as they headed off down the road.

The drive wasn't terribly long, and the heater was kicking out enough that Logan insisted he didn't want to ruin another shirt just by virtue of putting it on over the blood that was only half dried.

But when they pulled into the cabin, he was swearing to himself for not doing it anyhow since it was clear that someone was waiting for them. Two black, nondescript cars with government plates. "This can't be good," Logan said half under his breath, and trying hard not to growl, though he didn't try to avoid it entirely. "You can stay here if you'd like," he told Scott as he put the car in neutral but did not turn it off. "I'm going to see what the spooks want."

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