Is It A Date?

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Seeing as his study session was a Friday night meet up, Scott was sure to talk to Logan and let him know that there was a good chance that he might need a ride before Logan took off for work. He should have expected the line of questioning to go the way it did.

"Is she cute?" Logan asked without a hint of teasing as the two of them headed toward their cabin.

"What?" Scott blurted out, somehow not having prepared himself.

"Is she cute? This Farrah girl. Pretty simple question. Yes or no."

Scott stared at him for a moment, until Logan finally turned his way with a perfectly straight face. "What's she look like?" Logan asked.

"Ah ... she's ... got curly brown hair. And blue eyes."

"Doesn't sound much like a ringing endorsement either way."

"No - that's ... I just ..." Scott sighed heavily and then tried to start again as Logan began to smirk. "She's fine, but it doesn't matter. She's my lab partner."

"Right. Strict anti-fraternization rules in the high school lab, I'm sure."

Scott turned his way with an dry, flat expression on his face. "You're not funny."

"Still didn't answer my question, but yeah. I can pick you up ... when? I'm free up until around seven."

"Six would be fine, thanks," Scott replied, pointedly looking anywhere but at his guardian. He should have known Logan would go this route with him.

Scott got into his homework as soon as they got home, and by the time the two of them sat down to dinner, he had thought the matter had been settled. He really, really should have known that wasn't going to be the case.

"She's not anything like the last one, is she?" Logan asked out of the clear blue, not even bothering to be nonchalant about it as he frowned over at Scott.

Scott stopped cold and just stared at him for a few moments before he shook his head lightly. "No. And it doesn't matter. Because she's my lab partner."

"Right, right. You said that," Logan replied, nodding lightly. "Doesn't mean you can't look."

"She's nothing like Grace," Scott said finally. "She dresses in baggy clothes and her hair is wild. She doesn't wear makeup and she has an imagination..."

And just like that, Logan simply dropped it. "Good. Sounds like you have a competent lab partner."

Scott watched him for a moment, waiting for the other shoe to drop. But when it didn't, and Logan went back to his own business ... reading something he'd picked up that looked old, Scott finally cautiously went back to his dinner.

Work was going about as well as it could for Logan. The bar was happy with the work he was doing, and word had gotten out quickly that he wasn't going to put up with any crap at the bar, and although the number of fights rose for a short time as the men decided to test him out, they dropped to next to nothing after that.

Of course, along with the drop in fights and incidents, the number of people going to the bar began to steadily rise. It seemed that as long as the roughnecks were kept in line, the rest of the residents of their sleepy little town were more than happy to get back out to the roadside bar for darts, drinks, and just to unwind in general.

All that really meant for Logan was that he had more people to keep an eye on, and more subversive attempts at violence or trouble to watch for as some of the more unsavory among them weren't beyond trying to pull something once the women returned to the bar.

What If? Episode 907Where stories live. Discover now