Adrift Again

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It took the two travelers almost a week to make it to their new destination. The way to their new soon to be home was winding and meant that there were lots of spots to avoid just because they were hotspots for anti-mutant activity. For the long term, several places had been knocked off the list outright - pretty much anything near Nebraska, the majority of the south, and the entirety of the south west, simply because Logan was not a fan of the lack of green hiding spots.

When all was said and done, Tony Stark's generosity had set them up with a lot better accommodations and wheels than they'd left behind in the north woods. It was kind of necessary though considering that they had to cross the entire country to find a spot that Logan and Scott both were comfortable with.

And when they finally hit Yachats, Oregon ... they both agreed that it was exactly the kind of place they wanted to lay low. Naturally, Tony had some contacts ... it seemed he had contacts everywhere ... and because of that, they found themselves in exactly the kind of place to lay low that Tony Stark would have picked out.

It was an ocean side, overly large house, but it was at least definitely in the realm of secluded and hard to reach. In fact, Stark's security around the place was pretty damn tight, and it only started with the gated drive and the fenced in property.

"Well, at least he hit one of my requirements," Logan muttered to himself as they started to look around the sprawling house. "I don't know what I was thinking trusting him to come up with something subtle."

"It's more subtle than the place in New York," Scott said quietly. "Not that it counts for much."

Scott completely missed the amused little smirk he got from Logan for that, and the two of them took the next couple hours settling in as best they could in the far more ritzy surroundings. "We're not going to stay in this place," Logan said - sure to clarify his intentions. "I do not want to be here any longer than we have to. If nothing else - just because it's Stark's idea and I don't like the idea of owing him anything."

"Agreed," Scott said, looking at the marble counter tops in the kitchen and the hardwood through the whole main floor. "This is a little ... much."

"I'll start the search tomorrow," Logan agreed. "Probably oughta look into getting you set up with school - unless you're going full rebel and dropping out ..."

"No," Scott said quickly. "I want to finish." Though, he was smirking at him as he unpacked his bag with what he'd need for a few days. Steve had tried to get him to leave Logan's file behind, but Scott had insisted that it was something that he wanted to look into himself. Though, he did ask Dr. Pym the few questions that he'd been unable to find the answers to before they left. Of course, it didn't do anything for his cringe factor when he heard what the melting point of adamantium was - or how close it was to the temperature required to simply turn a body to ash. For a while, Scott had thought that Logan was mistaken. That his skeleton had to have been plated through a series of surgeries but when he finally saw the before and after x-rays, he could see that there was no way that it wasn't exactly how it read in the notes - and exactly as Logan had roughly explained it. Coated in the stuff. Though from what Scott had seen, scientifically, it was far more likely that what had actually happened was his skeleton was casted somehow. In place, burning away the bone that had been there as if it was wax in a mold.

Scott shivered at that. It had to have been unimaginably painful.

But thankfully, he wasn't going to be rehashing that section if he wanted to both sleep and look his guardian in the eyes, and that particular portion of the file was behind him. Instead, Scott was delving into the section that covered further training. He was only a few pages into his reading when he realized that it had been a while since he and Logan had done any martial arts training. He put the file down and decided to test the acoustics of the overly done, sprawling house. "Hey Logan - can we start training again?" Scott asked at a perfectly normal speaking tone had someone been in the room with him.

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