Mail Call

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When the weekend hit, Scott was the one to get the brown paper wrapped package from an address he'd never heard of somewhere in Brooklyn. He frowned when he saw the address, expecting to see the same one that was on his passport ... but after he thought about it for a few moments, and double checked the name - 'Rogers' he realized that this was Captain America's home address.

He stopped, and after a moment he couldn't stop the smile that appeared for oh, so many reasons. The package was addressed to him, and he knew exactly what was in it, so he cracked it open before Logan returned from his scouting trip, honestly on edge waiting to see the glasses.

He didnt' realize he was holding his breath until after he got the case opened up and let it all out in a rush as a grin spread across his face. He turned the glasses over in his hands a couple of times - and he couldn't quite believe what he was looking at, if he was being honest. They were much sleeker than the ones that Heather had gotten for him, and they were almost perfectly fitted to his face already. When he took a look at them in the mirror once he put them on, he grinned even wider. They actually look decent - red lenses and all.

"Okay, maybe Tony Stark isn't so bad," he muttered to himself - and since he was alone, he wasn't worried about it ever coming back to bite him. He headed back to the box and raised an eyebrow. Cap hadn't been kidding. There was at least a dozen letters from Heather in there - all tied together with a string, and just like that, Scott's curiosity was piqued. But he wasn't about to so much as touch that stack of letters.

The truth was, the longer they went without Logan writing Heather, the more calm he seemed to be. Before, when they were regular things, it was clear to Scott that Logan was looking for them. Waiting to see what Heather had to say ... about anything.

It was like watching a break up in slow motion, only ... Logan had been very clear that they hadn't been dating, so Scott wasn't quite sure what to call it. But he was sure that the letters were a harbinger of trouble.

He carefully looked deeper into the package - and found a letter for himself in a bubbly, cheerful looking script and smirked to himself - sure that it was from Janet VanDyne ... and that she was making a point to check on him while she had the option to do so.

So, with a little smirk, he headed over to have a seat on the couch near the window with the letter in his hand.

Scott -

I hope you two are alright, and I hope you know that I expect you to call me if you get into any trouble - comm or not, you need to let me know - just to be sure you're alright.

Tony insisted on the fancier frames for your glasses, I wouldn't let him go too modern though. I insisted on having a hand in them - and in case you don't figure it out right away, these have that ruby quartz embedded into the frames as well, so your vision shouldn't have any obstructions. At all.

All of the news we have on that program looking for Logan is in Steve's letter, so I won't repeat it. Not when I want to know how you're settling in. I looked into that area and I know you were playing hockey before ... are you okay without a sport to play? Have you gotten into trouble? Pretty girls? If you need anything - don't hesitate to ask! You should look your best and that man you're travelling with ... well.

Don't forget me - hope to hear from you soon!


He was still smiling at the letter - and the mother henning that Jan had tried to accomplish when he heard the splash of water on tires and Scott turned his head in time to see Logan pull into the drive. He glanced up at the clock and shook his head. It was later than he thought.

What If? Episode 907Where stories live. Discover now