A Whole Different Game

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The next morning, Logan was working on getting the place in order while Scott headed out to make it to his game - as usual, he had to be there a couple hours early, but a few blocks from the school, he very nearly did a double take when he saw the three black, nondescript SUV's with government plates. That ... was not normal. And there was no way the timing was by chance.

He took his glasses off and stashed them in his coat pocket, though he was careful to watch which direction they were headed out of the corner of his field of vision. His heart was hammering in his chest, and he held his breath, though he wasn't sure if it was good or bad that the cars turned to head down the road that led to the old cabin. That can't be a coincidence, he thought to himself, but before he could decide what to do about it, his coach called out to him.

"Not wearing the glasses today?" the coach asked as he put his arm around Scott's shoulders and pointed him toward the open locker room door.

"Just wanted to give my eyes a little rest," Scott said quickly, pulling the glasses out of his pocket and shoving them on his face as they stepped into the locker room. He wanted to warn Logan - let him know that trouble might have found them just like he'd said, but even as he made it to the payphone in the hall, he let out a little grumble as he realized that the phone hadn't been transferred yet. He couldn't leave - not without drawing attention to where he was headed ...

With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Scott realized that there wasn't anything he could do. Not really. But he didn't want to be at the school. Not when it was entirely possible that Logan was in huge trouble. He tried to figure out a way to get out - to head out ... but nothing was working in his favor and he didn't even have a way to get there.

He thought about just cutting and running, but the captain was so sincerely glad to see him - and started pushing him for his strategy against this team - the big rivalry team - that he just ... he couldn't get out of it. Though when Nathan came through grumbling that everyone's parents were there - with a pointed look Scott's driection, Scott had to go take a peek at the crowd.

He let out a breath of relief when he saw Logan sitting in the back row with a few of the guys from work, all of them seemed to be chatting as the crowd grew. He let out a breath and relaxed his shoulders slightly. Maybe he was mistaken. Maybe the paranoia had gotten to him, worrying about something going wrong. Seeing things that weren't there ....

With Logan in the crowd, Scott could relax. At least he knew that he wasn't being dragged off by nameless government alphabet soup agencies. He let out a breath and nodded to himself. This was going to be a good game. He had several strategies in mind - and so far, when he and the team captain had put their heads together, they had won every game.

The team skated out onto the ice to the roar of a full crowd - this was one of the last games of the season, and most of the town was turning out for it. The home team took a lap around the arena - and as they did so, Scott scanned the crowd, smirking to himself as he nearly flew along the ice.

They were just getting into place - after the visitors had taken the same round - when Scott spotted the odd men out. Crisp, neat suits. Half a dozen of them. He very nearly slammed into the wall, distracted trying to get a good look at the suits - and the other team took advantage quickly.

He had to get his head in the game. He tried to remind himself that Logan had spotted him in that bar full of people - he was bound to have spotted the guys in suits. The next time the game was in time out, Scott glanced up to where Logan had been, and frowned. He just wasn't there. He turned his head to look at where the guys in suits had been and frowned deeper - they were gone too. He tried to ignore the panic. He really did. But it was just too ...

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