Take Flight

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The rest of the week ran fairly easy - and though Scott was on edge watching over his shoulder as casually as he could, he was still getting his normal schedule handled perfectly fine. It seemed like the less time he had with Farrah, the more he was hoping for time to slow down, and as expected, that really just seemed to feel like the clock was racing forward.

On the other end of the spectrum though, Logan was getting more and more keyed up and ready to fight. The altercations with the idiots at the bar had backed off again, but he'd noticed the creeps following at what they probably thought was a sneaky distance. They stopped trying to start a fight, but it was clear they were trying to figure out what Logan's regular routine was, which was enough to really piss him off, and instead of picking up Scott, Logan weighed it out and took a deep draw off of his cigarette before he headed back to the cabin an hour before Scott got out of his job.

When he got there, he paused for only a couple of minutes before he made the call to the cafe. "If you can get a ride, that might be smart," Logan said to him when he got on the line. "Otherwise, we're not sticking around. I have some jackasses following me around, and I don't want them dragging you into it."

Scott frowned, and looked across the counter to Bridget, unsure how to phrase things when people were around to listen in. "You're sure it's not the other thing?"

"Oh yeah," Logan said. "But that doesn't mean that they won't do anything abnormally stupid."

He thought about it for just a moment before he looked over to Bridget again. "I'll call you back if I can't figure it out."

"I'll be here."

Scott hung up the phone and turned to look at both Bridget and Farrah. "That's kind of new, isn't it?" Farrah asked. "I don't think he's ever called you, has he?"

"Ah ... no, he hasn't," Scott admitted, his hand resting on the back of his neck. "I ... I guess I gotta find my own ride home tonight."

Bridget frowned and glanced up at him. "Why's that?" she asked.

"Car trouble," Scott blurted out, not even having thought of something more eloquent.

She frowned at him, one hand on her hip as she looked him up and down with her eyes narrowed. "Hmmm."

"Does that mean our date is off tomorrow?" Farrah asked, finally piping up from the other side of the counter.

"No," Scott said quickly, then thought better of it. "Well ... I don't think so." Again, he looked wary to answer wrong.

Bridget looked between them for a long moment and let out her breath. "I'll give you a ride," she said finally. "And if you need a ride after your date, I can stick around town a little while if you two really need it."

Before Scott could object, Farrah answered for him. "Awesome! Thank you!" When Scott turned her way, she didn't even try to hold back the grin. "Hey. I'm not going to be around a lot longer. I'll take whatever solutions I can get if they're reasonable."

So for the first time, after the cafe was closed up for the evening, Bridget and Scott locked up together and stepped out of the building into the alley. He looked up and down both ways, frowning to himself when he saw a familiar old pickup truck with a cap and a little VW bug. As Bridget turned the deadbolt on the door, he moved to take a step toward the bug until she stopped him.

"Where are you going?" she asked, putting the shop keys in her coat pocket. "I'm the other way." She seemed to be almost holding her breath as she took a few backward steps toward the old truck, her hands in her pockets.

He watched as she pulled the driver's side door open and then leaned over to unlock the passenger side, clearly waiting for his reaction as he climbed into the truck. As soon as the door was closed, she fired up the engine and bit her lip as she glanced over at him. "Buckle up," she said, then put the truck into gear, pointedly not looking his way anymore as they rumbled to the end of the alley.

What If? Episode 907Where stories live. Discover now