A Familiar Pattern Emerges

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With no constrictions on his day, Logan was making a point to sleep in a little bit, though Scott was steadfastly sticking to his usual schedule - right down to doing his assignments in order of when the classes ran, though he fudged the amount of time spent on one subject to the next.

And while Logan was gone scouting out the best attack for the drug dealers, Scott would spend a little time on the phone with Farrah, who was also suspended - though Scott had no idea what she could possibly have done to warrant a punishment herself considering that she was the one being picked on.

But Scott was getting good at paying attention to his surroundings, and all week, as soon as he heard the splash of water on tires, he'd promise to catch Farrah later and hang up before Logan could come back into the cabin.

"How's Farrah?" Logan asked when he came in the door, though Scott didn't answer right away, as he glanced up at him from the book he was reading - notes on his right, and the tips of his ears pink.

"Um ... she's fine," Scott said, letting out a breath. No reason to lie. He knew it was a waste of time anyhow.

Logan nodded to himself and hung up his coat - it was only a week in, but he could see that there was certainly a pattern developing. "You still doing homework?" Logan asked before he finally gave Scott a little smirk. "Coulda sworn you were working on History when I left."

"That was yesterday's assignment. I'm trying to get ahead if I can. I worked through the other stuff."

He made a little noise in response, but it was pretty clear that Logan didn't entirely buy that one. Scott shook his head to himself. It wasn't a lie. And it was a little bit irritating that Logan knew it wasn't a lie and was still ... doing. That. "We've just been talking about assignments," Scott defended.

"Right. Must be nice to have full time tutor talks instead of bothering with actual class." Logan was smiling to himself as he took a seat across from Scott. "So. When are you going out?"

"Aren't I grounded?"

"What the hell gave you that idea? The school being stupid? No. I don't think so."

"I kind of need to get my glasses figured out first. You know. So something doesn't happen."

"It's being taken care of," Logan promised. "In the meantime - make some plans. You're doing fine without 'em."

Scott was quiet for a long moment as he considered things. "Have you heard anything from New York?" he asked, a hopeful expression on his features.

"Not yet, but it's been long enough, it's just a matter of time," Logan replied. He looked over his shoulder at the clock and swore under his breath. "Gotta head out. Tell Farrah 'hi' for me."

Scott smirked as Logan got up to leave. He was going in a little bit early - but Scott knew from what he was reading of the stuff that Logan had compiled on the drug dealers that it was a necessary move to try and catch the problem before too many women found themselves in a tight spot.

As it was, Logan was keeping it as close to the vest as he could - and the management was giving him free rein to handle it how he saw best - which, in this case meant 'random' searches of people as they came in.

The look of disbelief and anger on every single one of the drug pushers coming into the bar when Logan singled them out to search them - and confiscate the drugs was priceless in itself. And the fact that word was still making it around town that the bar was safest for women to go to had business booming.

Logan had just waved the ringleader forward for a search when the guy tried to spook him. "I know what you are," he said quietly, his gaze locked onto Logan as he stopped him, though Logan didn't look bothered in the least.

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