The Paths Converge Again

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"We've been over this. If we call in the State police or the feds, it's not gonna go anywhere without the proof to back it up - and someone outside of me callin' it in," Logan said wearily as he poured another cup of coffee. "I just need to figure out how to do this so it doesn't look like I did it."

Scott stared at him for a moment, wondering if Logan realized anywhere near how paranoid that sounded. "Was it a regular thing for them to send you after guys like this?" he asked, only to frown deeper at Logan's answer after the older man shook his head.

"No, but it is one of those things that they know I can't pass up," he admitted. "Don't know how to explain it beyond that though. Not really." The last thing that Logan was going to do at this point was clue Scott in on the fact that every single time that he'd managed to get wrapped up in a woman, the circumstances involving the girl's death - even if she'd only been a friend - were always sketchy, and always ended with him back in custody to one group or another.

"Listen, we still have plenty of time to figure this part out ... as far as I can tell, there won't be another delivery for a few weeks," Logan said when the silence stretched out for an uncomfortable span of time - at least. Uncomfortable as long as Scott was holding his tongue with that expression of sheer unease, that is.

"Right, I'll ... focus on my schoolwork while you figure out how to not ... react like you," Scott said as he got to his feet, shaking his head. "I'm sure that'll happen fast."

As Scott headed upstairs to get his backpack, Logan covered his eyes with one hand and leaned into his hand. The only thing he knew to be sure at this point was that he was probably screwin' this kid up pretty royally. And it would only be worse when the Department finally caught up to them.

When he heard Scott heading back down the stairs, Logan sat up a little straighter and quickly finished off his coffee, pointedly ignoring how much it scalded him as he rushed through the cup and got to his feet. "Same time at the coffee shop?" Logan asked, snatching his keys off of the table.

"Yeah, should be," Scott agreed, totally unaware of where Logan's mind had begun to wander. "Are you doing more recon today?"

"Only if it rains," Logan told him as he followed him out of the little a-frame cabin.

The ride to the school had been a bit quieter than Scott was used to, though he didn't think much of it considering how concentrated he knew Logan had been on this case, though he did file it away in the back of his mind as something to consider.

His first class of the day was a good snoozer, and it wasn't until lunchtime came that anything even remotely interesting happened.

He'd just gotten in line when he overheard Evan and his buddies talking about Farrah. And what she was hiding under all the baggy clothes. He tipped his head to the side, frowning to himself. He really didn't like the way these guys were talking, and even less so when their entire tone shifted when Farrah entered the cafeteria.

The boys in Evan's group tried to coax her into joining them as Scott resolutely kept facing away, though he was watching in his peripheral vision as Evan pulled her over and tried to keep her there.

At first, she sounded like she was going along with the joke ... but then there was a serious change of tone in her voice and it was clear that they weren't going to let up, which was when Scott had taken about all he could handle.

He stepped out of line and turned their way, marching right up to the group. "Farrah, do you want to get a little fresh air?" Scott asked, clearly trying to give the other boys an out, and let this mess end peacefully. But Evan pushed Farrah behind himself and then shoved Scott with his other hand.

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