War Buddies

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As promised, the SHIELD agents took Logan and Scott right back to their cabin, where nothing seemed to have been touched or looked out of place, though Coulson was sure to tell them they'd be in touch before the agents left.

Logan watched them leave with a glare then let out a little grown as he headed first to the jeep, where he found a small electronic device under the steering column and then into the house. Scott watched with a confused frown as Logan quickly and methodically worked his way through the place until he found the half a dozen or so bugs that he had known the spies would leave behind.

He didn't say anything to Scott until he was done - and then he stopped and showed him what he had in his hand. He gave Scott a significant look and then carefully picked his hand up closer to his mouth. "This is not the way to win my trust, Fury. And your men sure as hell don't know what they're doing." He looked completely irritated as he carefully filled a glass with water then dropped them all into it. "Stupid spy garbage ..."

Logan set the waterglass with the bugs on the kitchen windowsill and headed out to unload the jeep - since they hadn't gotten a chance to do that before they left. But it only left Scott to his thoughts for a moment.

When Logan got back, though, he had to ask, "Do you think they'll get mad at... all that?" He wasn't sure how to sum up everything that had happened, but some of the insinuations had him worried; he had to admit.

"What the hell've they got to get mad about?" Logan asked as he dropped the first load of gear on the couch. "I just pointed out what they already knew. If they didn't want to waste the jet fuel, they should have made a damn phone call." He shook his head and turned to go back outside. "You comin'?"

Scott tipped his head to the side for a second before he just had to let out all his breath, trotting behind him to catch up. "Yeah, but - I know you don't remember everything? But that was Captain America."

"I know," Logan said with a little nod as he started handing Scott some of the gear. "I know who he is. I just don't really remember what we did. But what I do remember of the guy? He won't let it sit without figuring out what I meant. He'll dig into it and when he does, we'll find out if he really means all that crap he was always spouting."

"You think he'll come back?" Scott asked,arranging the sleeping bags and trying hard not to sound hopeful.

"He said he would, so ..." Logan shrugged openly before he shouldered the last bag and closed the door on the Jeep. "I guess we'll see." He picked up the last of their gear and headed back toward the cabin, considering the whole conversation over. But Scott still had concerns.

"D'you think you'll go with him - if it's not SHIELD?"

"I don't know, Slim," Logan said. "He'll have to do some real convincing to get me to do anything for the government again."

"But - if it's not SHIELD -" Scott just shook his head. "If it's just because I might miss hockey, I can walk - it's fine."

"That's not what my problem is," Logan said, shaking his head. "It's a little bigger than that - and I'm not leaving you with SHIELD just so I can go dink around with Cap and have him try and twist the war stories."

"Yeah, I got that part," Scott said. "I'm just saying - I can figure something out. It kinda sounded ... I mean, Captain America wants you to help him."

Logan let out a heavy sigh. "I don't remember everything - but I also know that he doesn't have the whole story either." He waved his hand and headed for the kitchen. "Let him figure it out and then decide if he still wants me around, okay? Right now - it's a non-issue."

"You think he won't want a mutant on his team?" Scott looked truly upset at the idea.

"It's not the mutant part that has me concerned," Logan told him. "He knew something was different about me then. Just didn't question it considering the circumstances. But ... I'm not the same person he knew back in the war."

What If? Episode 907Where stories live. Discover now