Hello, Stranger

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While the contents of the tarp were burning into a slick ash, Bridget returned to the back of the truck, though Logan was positively locked onto her every move, and he was highly reluctant to let either she or Scott out of his line of sight. He was too keyed up. Too tired. Too ... tense. And the first he'd seen of this woman face to face was while she was perched on top of him and digging out bullets.

He watched Scott for a little while, the boy was in turmoil - not that he was surprised, but for the time being, his concern was more firmly centered on the woman that had helped them. After she'd been in the back of the truck for awhile, he decided to investigate, only slightly surprised to find that she hadn't been idle, and the sleeping bags she had stashed in the bed of the truck were indeed rolled out and lying on top of a heavy piece of foam. She was getting it situated when she looked up and let out a breath.

"He needs to rest," she said in explanation as she finished laying out the bedroll. "You do too for that matter."

"I'll rest later," Logan replied, still watching her carefully. "Did you get hurt?"

"No, I'm fine," she swore, only glancing up at him for a moment before she turned to assess him better, frowned and then paused. He wasn't sure what she was holding back for until he watched her shimmy through the window into the cab of the truck again - and then shoved both of their bags into the bed.

She came back through the same way and for an instant, Logan wondered if there was a reason she was avoiding going past him. She took a moment to arrange the duffel bags on either side of the makeshift bed and paused again. "See if he'll listen to you," the little brunette said before she bit her lip and headed his way to slip out of the back of the truck, obliterating his concern about her trying to avoid him.

He reached a hand out to hold onto her arm - steadying her and keeping her from slipping on the wet bumper as she climbed over the tailgate, though he let go as soon as her feet were on solid ground again.

She let out a little sigh and gave him a forced smile before she headed over to the driver's side of the truck. "You're not driving until you're healed and rested right."

"I'm fine."

"Yeah, no. I know better. You're ready to pass out, so if you're not going to sleep in the back, you can sleep in the cab. Besides. My truck, my rules," she said giving him a look before she climbed in and closed the door behind her, leaving Logan to talk to Scott.

Logan walked over to where the fire was dying out - nothing left anymore but a few deeply red embers in the remains of what was once a pile of bloodied clothes. He stood next to Scott wordlessly for a long moment before he finally tipped his head and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry you saw that," Logan said quietly. "And I know you've had a hard time, but we need to get moving."

Scott nodded blankly, though he knew Logan was right.

"She's got a place for you to stretch out and grab a few z's. I won't pick her brain too hard until we stop." He clapped a hand on Scott's shoulder and gave him a little squeeze, intending to direct him back to the truck, but as soon as Logan had his hand on him, Scott's shoulders suddenly dropped, and he let out a little breath and simply stepped into Logan the rest of the way, clutching onto him with both arms around Logan's shoulders, totally and openly upset for the first time that he had let Logan see.

"Hey," Logan said, though he returned the gesture, not even remotely willing to let the kid freak out if he could help it. "You alright? Did they hurt you?"

"No," Scott said dully.

Logan let his shoulders drop a little and he doubled down for a moment, sure that the kid had seen far too much, though he himself wasn't sure what had happened after the firing started - or before it started, for that matter. "We're gonna shake 'em, and I won't let them catch up again."

What If? Episode 907Where stories live. Discover now