Weekend Plans

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Scott woke up the next morning with a blanket over his shoulders - and the file still spread out in front of him on his bed. He got up and headed toward the scent of coffee that had already filled up most of the cabin, and he wasn't surprised in the least to find Logan reading the paper over his coffee.

"Sounds like it was a good game," Logan remarked, not looking up from the news.

"It was, actually," Scott replied sleepily with a crooked sort of a smile as he took a seat at the table and slid his chair back to rest his head on his crossed arms.

"You don't have to be up," Logan pointed out. "Part of layin' low means no fun for me on the weekend for a little while. Hit the sack if you're tired still."

"No," Scott said, shaking his head gently. "If I go back in there, I'm going to finish reading that file."

"You don't have to," Logan said. "Most of that stuff's boring as hell. And repetitive."

But Scott shook his head and sat up. "Not really," he said. "I can read under some of the blacked out lines if I hold it up to the light and use my red lenses." He gave Logan a little smirk. "It's not complete, and it doesn't always work, but I'm making notes of what you can't read outright."

That got Logan to put his paper down and just watch him for a moment. "You're kidding me."

Scott just smirked as he shook his head. "A lot of it looks like personal notes from the doctors. I don't have names, just initials of the people making the notes."

When Logan just stared at him for a moment, Scott decided to take matters into his own hands and went to gather up all that he had and show it to him. He laid it all out on the kitchen table like he'd had it on his bed - and started pointing out how it had to have been originally organized - at least up to the point that Scott had read, and for all of it, Logan was just silent, listening and paying close attention to all the boy was saying.

The notations Scott had added didn't really seem to be much ... but it was ringing a few alarm bells for Logan, which meant ... it was something anyhow.

When Scott was done showing him everything he'd done, it was clear that Logan had no idea how to respond other than to wordlessly nod as he went over it all again, obviously out of sorts as he took in the little snippets that clearly meant more to Logan than what the papers could decipher.

"Any of this help?" Scott asked hopefully, his hand on the side of his neck as he almost held his breath. He turned to watch Logan as the older man very carefully picked up one of the near-blacked out papers with Scott's notations for it.

"Givin' me one hell of a headache," Logan said quietly. "So ... yeah. I think so. At least, it's knockin' somthing loose." There was a little pause as Scott quietly relaxed his shoulders in relief. "So, thanks."

Scott couldn't stop the smile that popped up, though he tried to cover it quickly. Logan was obviously pleased and Scott decided that until the weather broke - or hockey season was over, he was going to give the file his attention in his free time. But obviously not until Logan was done looking over his good work so far.

Scott was feeling pretty good about himself - all things considered- when there was a knock at the door. Logan stopped what he was doing and looked toward it as Scott quickly got moving. "I've got it," he offered. The last thing he wanted was for Logan to get derailed from whatever epiphany he might be on the brink of over someone coming to call with terrible timing.

"Hi," Grace said as Scott opened the door - a bit too bright eyed for Scott to believe, even for as late in the day as it was already getting to be. She tried to peek past his shoulder, and Scott stepped into her view - without really thinking about it. "Are ... you busy today? I was hoping we could spend a little time."

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