Different Lives

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Scott knew that something had Logan's attention when the two of them were doing their morning training first thing Monday. If nothing else, because there were several points in the lesson where Scott had to let Logan know that he hadn't actually told him how to do what he was asking. And that never happened.

"Have they found us already?" Scott asked suddenly, and the question on it's own was enough to get Logan to stop what he was doing and pull him out of his train of thought.

"What?" Logan replied, looking up at him quickly, clearly not on the same page at all. "No." Logan shook his head and took a deep breath to center himself. "I'm just working on a little problem at the bar. Nothing to do with them." But the kid had a point. He was allowing himself to get distracted from watching their backs. "I'm keeping my eyes open, something happens, you'll be the first to know."

"Yeah, that's not real reassuring," Scott replied, moving right into stretches again, seeing as the lesson was so obviously over.

Logan turned his way and nodded. "Keep the comm for Cap on you just in case. I haven't seen any sign of 'em yet, but you should have it anyhow."

Scott tipped his head Logan's way and raised one eyebrow over the top of his ruby quartz glasses. "Last time you said something like that, we were hit within hours."

Logan responded with a dry look as he held the boy's gaze. "If you gotta know, I've been digging into some creeps."

"Department creeps?" Scott said, straightening up again. "Because I thought I got everything I could out of that file ... if there's more—"

"No, nothing like that," Logan said, holding up one hand and shaking his head. "Not that kind of creep. This is the more normal kind. Though I'm sure there's more to it than what's in that file, and if I get the chance, I'm gonna get the rest of it, redacted bits and all."

Scott frowned at him, then took a seat, clearly waiting for Logan to continue, which happened quick enough once he saw the concerned look on Scott's face. "There are a few guys that have been slipping drugs into women's drinks. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but I just ...."

"They shouldn't get away with it."

"Exactly. I'm trying to find their supplier. I don't think that any of 'em that I'm looking into are dealers. Doesn't look like it anyhow."

"And you can tell ... because of your nose, right?"

Logan nodded and crossed his arms. "That and the fact that they're not handing them out, only usin' it for their own purposes. But I'll back off that for a while. Make sure that we don't have any departmental issues before I go after them."

"This sounds like something the cops should handle," Scott pointed out.

"That's just it. There's no way to prove what they're doing," Logan replied before he tapped the side of his nose. "I can outstrip a bloodhound in a downpour. The cops can't even find this stuff with tests when it goes across their desks." He drew in a breath. "And I don't know that they'd want to stop it."

"Why?" Scott asked, looking honestly alarmed. "Isn't that their job?"

"It is," Logan agreed, nodding as he finally took a seat nearby. "But a lot of times, if they have someone they're protecting that's doing crap they shouldn't... " he let the statement fall, and it was only a moment or two before Scott broke the silence.

"The cops are in on it?"

"No," Logan said quickly, shaking his head. "I don't think so. But one of the Deputies has a son that is." Scott looked honestly upset by that, but Logan tried to cut him off at the pass. "I'm on it, Slim. They won't get away with it."

What If? Episode 907Where stories live. Discover now