The first day

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I sighed as I sat up, the sunlight filtering through the leaves of trees. The Beowolf I tamed nudged me gently.


It pointed at the sky, then the city. I bolted to my feet.

"Right. The airship."

Pausing only to clip Ocean Wave to my back, I took off for the city. Along the way, I met up with Ruby and together we boarded the ship, ready to go to Beacon. As the airship floated into the sky, I gazed at the city below. A wave of sadness washed over me, but a memory of my father came to me.

"It's going to be fine, son. Just take care and do your best."

I sighed as I remembered that day. It was the day he sent me to Signal, the day before they...

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe my baby sister's going to Beacon with me!"

I turned to look at the person who pulled me out of my thoughts. A girl dressed in yellow was hugging Ruby (who looked like she was struggling to breathe) and I noticed that she had yellow bracers on.

Wait a sec, those are her weapons! Neat.

"Everyone at Beacon's going to think you're the bee's knees!"

Ruby diverted her gaze from the older girl. "I don't want to be the bee's knees! I don't want to be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl, with normal knees."

The girl put her fists on her hips. "What's wrong with you? Aren't you excited?"

"I am, it's just I don't want others to think I'm special or something."

"But you are!"

I walked over. "Hey there. Couldn't help but overhear your conversation. It'll be fiiiine, Ruby. I bet if you were to take the exam they have for those who don't go to combat schools, you'd most likely pass. Also, you're not the only one getting moved ahead two years, y'know."

Ruby blushed for some odd reason but then gasped as she leaned out the window. The girl in yellow also gazed out the window and gasp. Curious, I leaned against the window and my breath was snatched away. A massive school was in the distance with a tower hundreds of miles tall in the center. The ship began to descend and as soon as it stopped, I rushed off the bridge and stopped to gaze at the sight before me. Ruby and her friend/sister(?) caught up.

The girl in yellow smiled at me. "We haven't properly met yet, have we? My name's Yang! I'm Ruby's older sister." She held her hand out to me.

I grabbed it and shook. "Saphire Star. Nice to meet you, Yang."

She smiled, then grabbed Ruby by the hood, stopping her from bothering a person with a sword. Ruby glared at her and the two had a brief talk before Yang rushed off, leaving Ruby confused. I simply sighed.

"Jerk." I glanced at Ruby and saw her about to fall down onto a pile of suitcases. I glanced at the logo on them and gasped under my breath. "Ruby! W-"

She fell down onto Schnee's stuff and some of the cases popped open, revealing jars of Dust.


Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Weiss Schnee storming over. Afraid, I covered my ears.

"YOU FOOL! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH DAMAGE YOU COULD HAVE CAUSED?! YOU'RE LUCKY THAT YOU DIDN'T BREAK MY VIALS! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT DUST IS?" She picked up a Burn vial and started waving it around, creating a faint red cloud.

Aww crap.

A girl in pure black walked over and handed Schnee one of her vials, this one containing some white Dust.

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