An Interesting Development

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Ozpin's POV:

I leaned back in my chair and poured some more hot cocoa. "Was that something you didn't mean to do?"

"Uh, about that. Hmm, how to put this... I can copy Semblances."

I looked at him, interested. "Is that so?"

He nodded, then stood up. "What is the most Semblances you've seen one person use?"

"Hmm, why it's had to be a total of three, but two of them were passive ones. Accelerated healing and good fortune for those they touched. Their third one was Speed."

"Really? I can outclass that. Lemme show you."

He used Shadow, Glyphs (which was interesting), Polarity, as well as Speed. After this brief show of power, he fell to a knee, panting.

"Yeah, that was dumb. Whew boy!"

He managed to get up and sit back down in the chair he had pulled up. I handed him a cup of hot cocoa and he took it gingerly.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. That is very interesting, Saphire. Tell me, how long have you known about this?"

"Eh, for some time now. Discovered it on like the second day here. Once I make skin contact with someone, I go through their memories as well as copy their Semblance, even if they themselves haven't discovered it yet. I have a lot more, but I need to rest some more before showing off like that again."

I chuckled. "I'm sure you do. Now tell me, have you heard anything about the Maidens?"

"No, I haven't. There was a group of upper-class men and women talking about how the Maidens were just a myth and I butted in, agreeing that they are a myth. Of course, both you and I know that isn't true."

I sighed. "Yes, I know. We have taken on a huge responsibility, you and I. This is not something to take lightly."

"I know, Oz. I know. I haven't uttered a single word of this outside of this office. You know how I am with secrets, Oz."

I nodded. "Your parents were wise to acquaint us." His face darkened with sadness. "Oh, I'm s-."

"It's fine, Oz. I was actually thinking of something else."


"I was thinking, what if Salem's already gotten her hands on the other three Maidens. What then? What if the process fails? What then? I can't help but wonder."

I lowered my head. "I can't help wonder, either. But, for the time, we must hold our heads up high and hope that they haven't fallen into the wrong hands yet."

Saphire nodded, then stood up. "Well, it's been nice talking to you, Oz."

I raised a hand. "Saphire, please, wait. I believe that now is the right time to show you something."

He looked at me. "Oh? What is it?"

I stood up and made my way to a special cabinet. Quickly, I punched in a ten digit code into a tiny panel on the side and stepped aside as it began to hiss. The cabinet opened and the fog slowly vanished, revealing a blue one-handed sword resting inside.

"Your parents made this with their blood and love the day after you were born. They gave it to me, saying 'give this to our son when the time is right'. The time is now right, you've progressed so far. Go on, claim it."

The fifteen-year-old walked towards the blade, nervously. With shaking hands, he grasped the handle and pulled it out of the cabinet, finally claiming his weapon. He gazed at it for a long time before snapping it to his side. He turned around and went through a flurry of motions, carrying himself like a true Huntsman.

I watched diligently as he mimed fighting a humanoid, swatting their weapon out of their hands and twirling around to press his blade against their neck. With a deft twirl of his blade, Saphire slid it into its sheath, never taking his eyes off his invisible foe.

"Thank you, Oz, for holding onto this for me for so long. It feels great. I didn't know my parents were such great smiths."

I chuckled. "You haven't seen all that that blade can do, Saphire. Just saying, that blade has a soul, and things with souls have Auras and things with Auras-."

He finished my sentence. "-have a Semblance. Are you telling me that this blade has some tricks of its own?"

"Yes, I am. Train hard, Saphire. Good day."

He nodded, then entered the elevator. It closed and I sank into my chair, sighing. Suddenly, my Scroll buzzed.

"Now who may be contacting me?"

I picked it up and saw a message from Qrow.

"CCN target."

I scratched my chin, pondering. "An interesting development..."

And that was the chapter!

Kinda neat, right?

Who would've guessed that Saphire and Ozpin knew each other for almost Saphire's entire life?

Crazy, huh?

Welp, have fun and see y'all later!

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