A new friend

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Slowly, I opened an eye. Looking around, I saw no one up, so as quietly as I could, I sat up and looked around again.

Good. No one's up.

Looking to my right, I spotted Grapple curled into a ball, sleeping like a baby. To my left, Ruby was sleeping with her head on her journal and a pen loosely in her hand. I noticed her shiver and as such, I took off my cloak and draped it over her. Grapple stirred.

Master? Why did you give Ruby your cloak? Aren't you cold, too?

I looked at Grapple, whose eyes were now open. "I gave her my cloak only for the night because she's cold. And no, I am not cold."

If you say so... Master, is something on your mind? You keep gazing at the wall.

I sighed. "I guess so."

What is it? You can tell me.

"I... don't actually know what I'm thinking."

Your mind keeps wandering to miss Ruby, Master. Are you-?


Grapple chuckled. You're in-.

"Grapple. Don't."

You're in-.


Grapple continued to ignore me. You're in l-.

"Grapple, stop it!"

I froze, then looked around. After a minute of tense waiting, I let out a relieved sigh. Then, I glared at Grapple.

"Stop when I tell you to, got it? That was super close."

A girl spoke up from the shadows. "Are you... talking to the Beowolf?"

I looked around. "Uh, where are you?"

"Over here."

A candle was lit and I saw the girl in black from earlier. Quietly, I got up as did Grapple and we walked over to her. That was when I noticed that she had a book in her hands. I tilted my head, confused.

"Were you... reading in the dark?"

She didn't look away from her book. "I've got great sight. You never answered me."

"Oh, right. Yeah, I was talking to Grapple here. Why?"

She shrugged. "Seems very one-sided."

I can talk, you know.

Her eyes widened. "What the-?"

I'm special. I can communicate telepathically.


I smiled, then slid down the wall and sat next to her. "What you reading?"

Her eyes grew huge. "N-nothing!"

Smiling, Grapple took a peek at the cover. Ninjas of Love?

The girl's cheeks heated up. "H-hey!"

I chuckled. "Good book."

"W-wait, you've read it before?"

"Mhm. Skipped over the pictures, though. You know why."

She scooched away, accidentally bumping into a table with a lit candle on top. The candle began to fall and I reacted in the blink of an eye, snatching it out of the air. The candle went out due to being upside-down as I put it back on the table. With the flick of the wrist, I lit the candle again using the tiniest amount of Burn Dust. The girl simply blinked at me.

"Whoa. How are you so fast?"

"Guess I'm simply just like that. You know, coming to think about it, I never did get your name."

"Oh. It's Blake."

"Blake, huh? Well, I'm Saphire. Nice to meet you."

She nodded. "Nice to meet you too."

With a smile, I pulled out the book a bought from "From Dust till Dawn" and opened it to the page I left off at. I began to read and didn't stop until someone cleared their throat before me. Looking up, I saw Ms. Goodwitch hovering over me.

"Why are you still up?"

"Oh, uh, um. H-hello, Ms. Goodwitch. I-I couldn't really sleep." A quick glance to Grapple told him to play along.

Glynda leaned close to my face, then backed away. "Very well. Do try to get some sleep; you'll need it."

She walked away and I let out a silent sigh. Too flippin' close.

Looking up, I spotted Ruby roll over. I sighed, closed my book, glanced at a sleeping Blake, then blew the candle out. Instantly, my eyes adjusted to the dark (somewhat).

Thanks, pop, for being part Faunus. I got your wonderful night-vision, even if it's only a fraction of how good the Faunus have.

I laid down next to Ruby as I tried to go to sleep. Ruby stirred once more, then yawned, sitting up. My cloak slid down her and she looked at it, confused.

"Huh? Saphire?" She gently poked my cheek.

"Huh? What's up, Ruby?"

"Why was your cloak on me?" She held up my cloak.

"Oh. I noticed you shivering, so I put my cloak on you. I'd like it back, if you don't mind."

"Sure. Here you go."

She gave me it back and I put it back on my shoulders. After that, I laid down, struggling to fall asleep. Ruby laid back down and we laid there for who-knows-how-long before Ruby spoke up.

"Are you asleep yet?"

"Nope. Can't seem to fall asleep, for some odd reason."

"Hm. Odd."

I let out a furious breath before relaxing. I laid there for a bit longer before Ruby wrapped her arms around me. That was when I fell asleep.

Strange. Why did Ruby hugging me put me to sleep?


Morning came all-too-soon. There were dozens of groans, moans, and sighs as everyone woke up. I was the first to get dressed, slipping into my fighting clothes (which really was me putting on dark blue jeans, a belt with extra ammo and throwing knives, as well as a shirt that was a slightly lighter shade of blue then my jeans) in the stalls. With a bounce in my step, I walked over to the cliff where Ozpin and Glynda were waiting. Ozpin smiled at me.

"Ah, you're up early, Saphire. I do so hope you got enough sleep last night."

I smiled, ready for initiation. "Don't worry 'bout me, worry about the competition." I winked.

Ozpin chuckled, then looked at the group of students who were jogging over. Ozpin gave out the rules once everyone had gathered and then he launched us into the fray. Literally.

Time to make some noise!

And that is yet another chapter finished!

Who do you think Saphire's going to get paired up with?

Come and find out!

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