A Moment Alone With Ruby

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Sapphire's POV:

I was just sitting in the dorm, pondering on this strange feeling I've had for a while now that something life-changing is bound to happen when the door popped open. Looking up, I saw Ruby with a smile on her face. Quickly, she shut the door and looked around.

"Is no one really here?"

"Nope, just us."

She giggled, then climbed into my bed. As soon as her head was on my chest, I thought of something.

"Hey, Ruby."


"Were's Grapple and Angel?"

"Them? They're out terrifying the visiting students."

I rolled my eyes, then wrapped my arms around her. "Of course they are."

She smiled up at me, then wrapped her arms around my neck. I closed my eyes and kissed her, savoring the moment. There was a knock on the door and when we opened it, we saw it was team JNPR.

"Oh, hey guys! What's up?"

Nora had a devilish grin on her face. "Lots! A visiting student's decided to stay here at Beacon and he's been assigned to our team!"

Pyrrah joined in. "Yeah, and to celebrate, we're going to have game night in our dorm. Care to join us later?"

I looked at Ruby, then nodded. "Sure. What game will we be playing?"

Nora winked at us. "It's a surprise!"

Oh, for-. "Fine. See you later."

Ruby and I left the dormitory and found a secluded spot in the gardens to hang out in. We watched as students went back and forth, but on really caught my eye. He was well built, was around Yang's age (I think), kept the hood to his hoodie up and on his hoodie, a strange symbol was embroidered in dull gold.

 He was well built, was around Yang's age (I think), kept the hood to his hoodie up and on his hoodie, a strange symbol was embroidered in dull gold

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Woah, what does that mean?

I realized he was coming our way, so I took my hand off Ruby's side. He passed by us without a word, but I noticed he seemed on super high-edge. Giving Ruby a nod, I stood up and walked over to him.

"Hey there. You new here?"

I heard him mumble something before answering me. "ghost. striker. Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm new."

Probably best if I don't mention the thing I heard. "Cool. I've been here a while, so I can help you find where you're going. Where exactly are you going?"

"Uh, I'm trying to find team JNPR. You know them?"

I smiled. "Yeah. They're in the dorm across from mine. Want me to show you the way?"

"Sure." He mumbled something else. "hunter, i think."

"Right this way!" I began to walk away, with the new kid trailing behind me. As we walked, I tried to get some info out of him. "So, what's your name? Mine's Sapphire, by the way."

"My name? It's Squire."

"Huh. Odd name, but oh well. Nice to meet you, Squire. Mind if I ask what kingdom you're from?"

He paused a bit. "Atlas, but I've been in the other Kingdoms for significant time as well, so there's that."

Something's off about him, but I can't quite place it. Why? "That's neat. I was born in Atlas and lived there for a whopping three years. The rest have been spent in the wilds of Vale."

"Uh, how old are you?"

"Fifteen. Yeah, yeah, I know I should be going to Signal or some other fighting acadamy, but Professor Ozpin invited me to come. And who am I to denie an invantation to the school I've always dreamt of coming to? Anyways, we're here. Do you have your Scroll on you, by any chance?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I do." He pulled out a small version.

I smiled. "Cool. Now, press it against the door and it'll unlock. Dosen't matter if the Scroll's out or collapsed, either way'll work."

He pressed the scroll against the door and flashed red. I frowned.

"That's odd. You're sure you're a part of team JNPR?"

"Yes. Ozipn told me himself."

I scratched my head. Suddenly, Jaune's voice came from behind me. "Hey, you got a transfer, too?"

Oh. Woops. Blushing, I turned around. "Uh, nooooo... He's yours."

Jaune tilted his head. "What?"

My blush became more intense. "I was leading him to you guys and I tried to teach him how to unlock his dorm... using mine..."

JNPR burst into laughter. I vanished into my dorm as Squire entered JNPR's dorm. Embarrassed beyond reason, I climbed into bed and vanished under the covers. Ruby climbed in with me and we shared a quick kiss before the dorm opened. Peeking out of the blankets shielding us from nosy girls, we saw a strange thing floating around.

 Peeking out of the blankets shielding us from nosy girls, we saw a strange thing floating around

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It flew into a corner, then blended into the environment rather well. Ruby and I pulled our heads back into the privacy of my bed, then shared a quick kiss.

Ruby laid down on me and whispered into my ear. "What is that?"

"Dunno. But I've got a feeling it's safe. Also, I think I know who it belongs to."

"Really? Who?"

"The new kid."

"But why would he do something like that?"

I held her close. "Ruby? I don't think he's from here."

Ruby didn't say anything but instead wrapped her arms around me. I got the message. "I trust you."

Closing my eyes, I drifted to sleep. As I slept, I felt a mind enter my head and rummage around.

"Interesting. Definitely light-worthy. I should tell him of this discovery."

The mind exited and I was allowed to sleep.




Okay! New chapter!

New student has arrived and Sapphire's already suspicious! Do you think he's right and the new kid's got some big secret, or is Sapphire just being paranoid?

And what was that thing that entered his mind?

Find out soon!

(Also, I've decided to make a sequel to this book. See y'all later!)

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