A Strange Power and Stranger Place

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I flexed my hand, examining the mark that had just been branded on me. "What... is this?"

The Outsider stood behind me and gently took my hand in his, keeping the brand uncovered. "Like I said, this is my Mark. There are forces in the world and beyond the world, great forces that men call magic, and now these forces will serve your will. Use this newfound power, my gift to you."

He vanished and I looked before me and saw dozens of floating islands with one in the very distance possessing a glowing door. They say never to head for the light, yet here I am, doing just that.

I walked to the edge of the island, then took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing."

I raised my left hand and the mark began to glow. A blue sphere appeared and I closed my hand, the brand glowing brighter in the process. Somehow, I was teleported to where the blue sphere was and a flurry of rose petals fluttered down around me. I tried several more times and every time I emerged in a flurry of petals.

So it's like my Semblance but doesn't drain my Aura. Interesting.

Swiftly, I made my way to the glowing door. The Outsider greeted me there.

"Impressive. You learn quickly. I have several more gifts, but these are material things."

He summoned what looked like elixirs and a hilt. I tilted my head and pointed.

"What are those for?"

"These," he held up the blue elixirs, "are to replenish your magical energy if you run out. This," He held up what looked like a sword hilt, "is a sword used by the most notorious assassin out there, Corvo Attano. Take them."

He handed me the items, then waved me goodbye. In a plume of smoke, he vanished and I was left with the glowing door.

"Well, nowhere to go but through."

I stepped into the door and suddenly, my eyes snapped open. I was back in the dorm. Saphire was still asleep and had his arms wrapped around me. Looking at my hands, I saw the elixirs and the sword hilt had traveled back with me. Turning my hand over, I was shocked to find that I had been branded in real-life, too!

Quietly, I slipped out of Saphire's arms and tip-toed over to my bag. Stuffing the new items inside, I grabbed a glove and slipped it on, covering my Mark.

This is crazy. All of this is crazy. What is going on?

Sighing, I slipped back into bed and wrapped Sapphire's arms around me. Closing my eyes, I hoped for no more crazy dreams, if you can call them that. Luckily, I got a peaceful sleep and when I woke up, Sapphire's eyes were half-open from sleep.

"Ah. Good morning, sleepy-head."

"Hey, you're the one whose eyes are half c-mph." He cut me off by pulling me into a kiss.

I wrapped my arms around him and we shared a passionate moment before getting out of bed. I put on my school uniform then headed off for class, the elixirs an unfamiliar weight in my bag. We sat down at our desks and expected another boring day in Mr. Port's class, but he started off with some combat, of all things!

"Miss Rose! Would you care to show how adaptable a Huntsman/Huntress must be in the field of battle? You may not use your sythe, but can use any other weapons you have."

I glanced at the folded blade, then my left hand. "Okay."

Sapphire shot me a worried look, but I calmly stood up and walked to the front of the class. Port looked at me.

"You've fought this type of enemy before, but can you do it without a weapon? Let's find out!"

He swung his weapon down on the lock to a cage, freeing a Boarbatusk. It spotted me and began to rush towards me.

Stay calm, Ruby. Stay calm. You've got this.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the Outsider simply watching me. The Boarbatusk kept closing in and soon, it would be too late to use my Semblance.

But I've got magic on my side. I can do this!

My hand a blur, I drew the blade, twirled it to unleash the blade, then struck the Boarbatusk in its fleshy stomach. Then, before it could impale me with its tusks, I used the Outsider's Mark to blink away. The Boarbatusk shook its head, confused, then turned to look at me, angry. The class exploded into "oohs" and "ahhs".

Even Port was impressed. "My, what fine use of your Semblance, miss Rose! And who would have guessed you had a hidden sword on you!"

I smiled. Good. They don't realize it was magic.

The Boarbatusk curled up into a ball and I rolled out of the way, wanting to keep my magic usage to a minimum. Getting a bit worn out, I blinked onto the Boarbatusk's back, causing it to forget me. Behind the teacher's desk and sitting in Port's chair lazily, the Outsider smirked. The Boarbatusk charged the class but slid across the ground when I slammed this folding sword of Corvo's into its back. Smiling, I twirled off it's disappearing back and I heard the Outsider chuckle behind me.

"They are none the wiser. Oh, only you can see and hear me. Bit of advice, don't talk to me right now. The others will think you're insane."

Port walked over to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at the class. "And that is what a true Huntress looks like! Now then, class, you may go."

The class filed out and Port left me alone with the Outsider. I turned around and looked up at the Outsider.

"So were you here just to see me fight, or something else?"

He smiled. "It was at first to see you fight, but you impressed me so much, I might as well give you these."

Several stones with the Outsider's Mark materialized and the Outsider vanished. Quickly stuffing them in my bag, I rushed out the classroom to be met with my team fawning over me. As we walked back to the dorm, Sapphire managed to pull me away. As soon as we were out of sight of the others, his smile vanished.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"That thing you did in class. You managed to dodge a point-blank strike from a Boarbatusk. That's simply something you can't do with your Semblance."

"What are you talking about? I've done it before, trust me."

His eyes narrowed, then he shrugged. "If you say so."

He walked away and I let out a quiet sigh, then pulled out a relic that the Outsider gave me. I stroked it and the thing suddenly vanished.

"What the-"

I stroked the others and they all vanished. After a moment, power coursed through me from the Mark and when I looked at it, I saw it was glowing slightly differently. Focusing on the Mark, a circle of powers hovered in my vision.

Woah, I can use different powers? Cool!

Currently, I had three powers. Blink, one which was called "Dark Vision", and another named "Bend Time" (which sounded super cool!). Selecting Dark Vision, I clenched my fist and the world turned orange and I was able to see someone rounding the corner. I took a step and saw my soundwaves radiate off me.


I let my hand drop and the world turned to normal. Jaune walked past and I continued on my way to my dorm. After sitting down on my bed, I flexed my left hand and gazed at it, barely understanding my newfound power.

What has my life become? This is so confusing...

I drifted to sleep and didn't notice Sapphire climbing into my bed to sleep with me. We slept soundly and when I woke up, I was a bit shocked to find Sapphire in my bed, but I chose to wrap my arms around him and pull the blankets over us. Smiling, I kissed Sapphire and he kissed me back.

Oh, how my life must have suck before him!

And that's the end of this chapter!

Okay, I want you to comment:

Do you want more fighting,


more romance between Ruby and Sapphire?

Comment which one!

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