Parting Clouds

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Ruby's POV:

Squire blinked at me. "What?"

I laughed. "I told you! I've managed to harness my power as a silver-eyed-warrior whenever I want! That's how I defeated Cinder and saved Beacon!"

Squire sat down, disbelieving. I laughed again, but froze when I saw several "Guardians" swarming around someone.

"Who's that?"

"Who's who? Them? I'll go look."

He walked away and made his way over to the person. I watched as he put two fingers to their neck, then pull his hand away, sad. With slumped shoulders, he came over to me.

"It's... your sister... Yang... She..." He sighed. "She didn't make it."

I blinked. "... what?"

He gulped, then took off his helmet to wipe away some tears. "I'm so sorry."

I began to sniffle, but stopped when I saw a box on his belt begin to glow brighter. "Squire? What's in that box?"

He looked down. "Box? Wha- wait a sec. No way... it can't be! How'd he know?!"

"Squire? How are you talking about?"

"The Speaker. He-. He gave me this box and said I'd know what to do when the time came. Is... Is now the time?"

He reached down and took the box off his belt. Tenderly, he opened it next to Yang and gasped when five Ghosts came out, all with different colored shells. One was red, another blue, a different one white with snowflakes in off-white, one pure black and yet another one in yellow. The yellow one flew over to my lifeless sister and began to scan her as the red one scanned me.

"Uh, Squire? What are they doing?"

"I think I know?"

Suddenly, a strange power came flooding into me as the Ghost before me vanished. Looking over at my sister, I saw the yellow Ghost had expanded its shell, revealing a sphere of blue light. It was floating over Yang's chest.

"uh, Squire?"

He looked over and his eyes grew huge. "No freaking way! Ghost! You know what to do."

His Ghost flew over to Yang and let out a quick burst of light before returning to Squire. After a second, Yang began to gasp for air. She sat up and tears clouded my eyes.


I trapped her in a hug and she was shocked, but slowly accepted. "Ruby. What's wrong? What happened?"

"You... You had died, but now you've got a Ghost of your own, as do I! Gosh, I'm so happy you're okay!"

"Wait, I... died?"

Squire nodded. "Yeah, you did. Ruby and I were mourning over your loss, but when she noticed this box a man called the Speaker gave me, I opened it and five Ghosts came out."

Yang gazed at the three Ghosts still un-bonded. "Black, white, blue. Was mine yellow and Ruby's red, by any chance?"

"Uh, yeah, they were. Why?"

"Welp. Looks like we're all becoming Guardians or whatever."

I giggled. "You're probably right."


I turned around to see Weiss running in circles away from her Ghost, Blake reading a book titled "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Dust" and Sapphire was simply flexing his hands, dazed. Looking back at Yang, she had her classic smile on her face.

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